You Should Be Here

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I drove home and just walked straight to my bed.

Today would've most likely been smoother if dorito didn't show up but not going to lie I think we both knew that this issue was going to come up. Better earlier than later.

I changed and laid in bed. I sighed as I got under the covers.

Everything always gets ruined.

I tossed and turned mostly, until I eventually gave up. I groaned looking over the clock on my nightstand.

1:46 am

I sighed and threw the blanket off of my body.

Guess it's no sleep tonight.

The next morning

I groggily got out of bed at 6 am. I think I got two hours of sleep and I have a hair appointment at 7 am which was just straight up torture.

I took a shower and got ready before leaving.

I didn't even have time for breakfast, not that I eat it that often, and left.

I got in my car and drove to the salon. I got there right on time. I walked in and was greeted by Elijah.

"Wow are you stalking me now?", I joked.

"No", he laughed.

"Wait don't tell me. You're the stylist?", I asked.

"Yea", he chuckled. I shook my head chuckling before getting into the seat.

"What? Don't trust me?", he asked smiling.

"Well not exactly I just didn't see you in this profession", I said.

"Nah I'm fucking with you one of my best friends is a stylist and he asked me to tag along", he said laughing.

"You're such an ass", I laughed pushing him.

"Elijah you were suppose to tell me when she arrived", a guy said coming from the back.

"Sorry it was just too funny to pass up", elijah said.

"Sorry for him, my name is Chris", chris said holding his hand out for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you chris, I'm y/n", I said slightly glaring at Elijah.

I sat in the chair and he played with my hair a little.

"So what are you looking to do today?", he asked.

"I wanted to dye it all light brown and maybe clipped up a little bit", I said since my hair was getting really long.

"Alright", he said before starting.
I spent a long time in there. I'm not complaining though it was pretty funny.

My hair was a beautiful brown and it looked amazing.

"I love it", I said running my fingers through my soft hair.

"You look great", chris said.

"Thank you", I said smiling.

"Well you look hot", Elijah said making chris hit his shoulder.

"Thanks", I said smiling at him.

I picked my phone up and noticed I got a text from Camila.

Karla❤️❤️- Good morning, I just want you to know that I love you and you are a blessing to me. I'll make sure that you know that every single day and I hope you have a great day love❤️.

I blushed at the text.

Me- Good morning cutie. I love you too. You sure know how to make a girl smile 😘😘.

I put my phone in my back pocket before turning back to them.

"Thank you for the great service chris I'll definitely come back in the future", I said giving him a short hug.

"You're welcome", he smiled hugging me.

"And as for you mr Elijah asshole", I began making them laugh. "I still hate you", I said pointing my finger at him.

"Do you hate me enough to go for a quick coffee stop", he said.

I looked at him and raised a brow.

"Just a drink", he said holding his hand up.

"Ok sure let's go", I said motioning him towards the door.

I waved to Chris once more before leaving with Elijah. Since the place wasn't that far we decided to walk there.

It was around 11 now.

We walked into the shop and ordered our drinks.

There were a few fans in there. I took pictures with everyone that asked.

I was happy to do it too because I love every single one of them.

We finally got our drinks and sat down. As I took a sip I looked up to see Elijah just staring at me.

I looked at him expectedly, but he had the same look on his face. I waved my hand in front of his face and he blinked coming back to reality.

"Sorry", he mumbled and I noticed a red tint to his cheeks.

"Oh my god are you blushing?", I teased.

"Shut up", he said smiling. "By the way did I tell you that you look beautiful", he said.

"Why thank you hot stuff, but just to let you know I actually have a girlfriend", I said.

"Wait really?", he asked.

"Well soon to be but she's amazing", I said.

"Dang", he said.

"Hey hey lets not lose hope", I teased. "I have a friend that might be interested", I said.

"Who?", he asked.

"One of my close friends and did I mention that she's hot too", I said.

"Does she have a girlfriend too?", he asked teasingly.

"Yea like four", I said with a straight face.

"Damn what kind of player is she?", he asked surprised.

"Just kidding gosh you're too easy to trick", I laughed.

"So were you this morning", he shot back.

"Yea thanks for the reminder asshole", I laughed throwing a balled up napkin at him.

"Alright so she already thinks you're hot", I said.

"Wait she has seen me before?", he asked.

"Yea at the party", I said.

"What if she doesn't like my personality?", he asked.

"You let me worry about that you just focus on being a nice guy", I said and he nodded.

"Anyways give me your number back because my soon to be girlfriend made me delete it. I texted it to Lauren so she already knows about this but Cam deleted the text and if I asked Lauren it would be all bad so", I ended handing him my phone.

"She sounds great", he chuckled typing his number in.

"Oh she is", I smiled.

We finished up our drinks before throwing away the cups and leaving.

I looked down as paps followed us back to the salon.

"See you soon", I said hugging him quickly.

"See you soon", he smiled.

As I was driving back home I got a text from mani asking if I wanted to hang out. 

I would never turn down an invite to hang out with mani because she is literally the best. I changed directions and drove to her house.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now