Trust Nobody

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I woke up to someone knocking on the door. I groaned putting the pillow over my head hoping that the noise would go away.

The knocks continued but Dinah was still knocked out.

I sighed and pulled the sheets back and got up.

"Shit", I said quickly sitting back down as I got dizzy.

I shook my head and got up to answer the door.

"Dinah I-", she started but cut herself off.


We stared at each other for a long time. My heartbeat sped up rapidly.

What the hell do I say?

I was then pulled back into the room.

"Hey Camila", Dinah said trying to hide the fact that I was just face to face with my ex.

Camila remained silent.

"Camila?", dinah asked worriedly.

"I- I got to go", she said I guess walking away.

Dinah closed the door and looked at me apologetically. I remained quiet and looked at the door.

"Don't go quiet on me too", she said.

"I- I'm going to go shower", I said stuttering.

I walked towards the bathroom and took an extremely long shower.

Dinah's POV
"Camila I'm sorry I forgot to tell you that she was staying", I said over the phone.

"It's fine", she responded but I knew she wasn't.

"How is she?", she whispered.

"She's fine", I lied. I didn't want to tell her how she was because I felt like I was betraying y/n. "You guys did have similar reactions though", I added. "Do you think you guys will ever be-", I started.

"Please don't", she begged.

"Sorry I won't", I quickly apologized. "So I'm guessing you wanted to talk me about something?", I asked.

"Yea it can wait", she said.

"You sure?", I asked.

"Yea and Dinah", she added softly.

"Yea", I said.

"Please make sure she's ok", she said surprising me.

She sounds so sad.

"I will", I said.

Once we hung up I smiled.

There's obviously hurt there but after all these years there is something there that I thought wasn't.
There's still love.

I stayed in the shower just letting my body relax. I got out and changed into some work out clothes. I walked in the room to see Dinah scrolling through most likely Instagram.

"Hey", she said looking up.

"Hey", I smiled softly while putting my gloves in my gym bag.

"Where you headed off to?", she asked.

"Some gym my trainer recommended", I answered and she nodded.

"Need a ride", she asked.

"Nah I'll run", I answered.

"Run?", she asked.

"Yea I didn't work out for the past two days so", I said.

"You sure?", she asked worried.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now