Black Keys

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"Y/n/n", I heard.

I groaned and put the pillow over my head.

I must be so sick that I'm hearing Isabella's voice.

"Get up silly", she said.

I removed the pillow and saw her sitting there beaming down at me. I moved my hands from under the covers.

"Are you real?", I whispered touching her face.

"Yes y/n my baby is real", santana chuckled entering the room.

"Dang I wish the weather was better I would've came then", she said taking her sweater off.

I jumped up and brought the two of them in a hug. Even though I immediately felt dizzy, I was happy that they were here.

"Where's Britt Britt", I asked.

"She's coming tomorrow I was going to wait but she said that we should come", she said.

I nodded and smiled.

"Bless you", she said as I sneezed.

"Your sick aren't you?", she asked.

"No", I said even though my raspy ass voice betrayed me.

She raised a brow and made me lay down.

"You're hot", she said.

"Are you coming on to me San?", I teased.

"I don't think Britt would like that very much", I added.

"Shut up", she chuckled before leaving.

I smiled seeing Isabella hug the bear that I got her close to her chest.

"I got you something", she said cutely.

"Really?", I asked smiling.

She nodded and dug in her back pack for something.

It was a cute blanket with all of my favorite cartoon characters. I gasped and hugged her.

"Thank you cutie", I said.

"Hey y/n/n get your sick paws off of my baby", santana said walking in.

"Crap sorry", I said forgetting for a minute that I was actually sick.

"You have no medicine in here", she stated.

"Yea because I'm fine", I said getting up. "But I'll go buy some if it makes you happy", I said putting a coat on.

"You're staying here, I'll go", she said.

We both raised a brown at each other.

Dinah then walked in and looked between us.

Ok is some kind of door just wide open or something.

"What's going on?", she asked us as she hugged Isabella.

"She's sick and I want to go buy medicine but she wants me to stay here while she goes", santana said still looking at me.

"I'm not sick", I said.

"Dude you're sick", dinah said feeling my forehead.
"And you guys were really having a showdown to go to the store?", she chuckled.

"Well they just got here I don't want them to be taking care of me the whole time", I said pouting.

"I'll always take care of you even if you don't like it", santana said.

"This is so cute", dinah cooed.

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