Everything Is Yours

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Camila's POV
I looked over at y/n's sleeping figure.

We were all watching a movie and she was the first to fall asleep and all the girls except for Dinah fell asleep.

I understand that y/n needs to think about everything, but I just always feel like I need to be close and love her. I think a part of me always felt that way.

The whole situation is complicated because I want to make her mine already but I do get that she needs to trust me again. I want to make her trust me again but I don't know how.

I really need to figure it out though because I'm scared that she will start thinking that I'm not the girl she fell in love with anymore. Then that will lead to her moving on and I can't live with myself if that were to ever happen.

I am already insecure about that stupid Elijah guy.

I looked away from y/n when I felt dinah lean against me.

"You still watching this?", she asked sounding tired.

"Nah", I responded.

She then turned the TV off.

"Goodnight", she mumbled.

"Night", I responded softly.

I tried to fall asleep for the past 15 minutes, but I just can't.
I slowly opened my eyes and was met with darkness.

I needed to get up though because my throat feels dry as hell.

I got up off of the couch and walked to kitchen.

It took longer than necessary because I didn't want to turn the light on to disturb anyone so I kind of had to feel around.

I eventually got there and poured a glass of water.

I leaned against the kitchen countertop as I drank the water. I scrolled through my phone as I placed the glass down.

I turned around quickly when someone touched my shoulder.

"Oh my god", I said leaning down placing my hand over my heart.

"Sorry", Camila said.

I looked up to see her looking at me amusingly.

"Are you ok?", she asked trying not to laugh.

"Yes", I said standing up straight. "And it's not funny", I said lightly hitting her shoulder as she continued laughing.

"I know I know sorry", she said smiling.

"So what are you doing up?", she asked.

"I should be asking you the same thing", I said.

"Well I asked first", she said teasingly.

"And I asked second", I said.

She tilted her head to the side cutely.

"That still doesn't justify why I should answer first", she said smiling.

"Yes it does because I said so", I said.

"Wow yea you're right it totally does", she said nodding.

"Wait really?", I asked.

"No",she responded shaking her head.

Should've known.

"Ok I was thirsty", I said.

"Totally not surprised", she said.

"Well I'm sorry my thirstiness is not entertaining enough for you", I said sarcastically.

"You're forgiven but I mean you're always thirsty", she said.

"No I'm not", I said.

"Totally are", she said.

I shook my head and smiled as she chuckled.

"What's your story kid?", I asked.

"You did not just call me kid", she said.

"I totally did Kiddo", I responded.

"Well", she started off getting closer.

I smiled looking down at her lips.

"If I'm a kid then you, my dear, are kind of dating a child which then makes you...", she trailed teasingly.

I chuckled and pulled her closer.

"You did not just say that", I said.

"Oh but I did", she said teasingly.

"What are you going to do about it?", she asked leaning in dangerously close to my lips.

As soon as our lips were about to meet she smiled and pulled away. I groaned as she chuckled.

"I have to woo you first", she said.

"We literally kissed hours ago", I said.

"Yea but that was different", she said.

"Fine", I replied.

"You still didn't tell me why you're up", I said.

"Oh yea, well I kind of heard you", she said.

"I mean you walked to the kitchen in pure darkness, I was wondering how everyone didn't hear you", she added.

"Because I'm a ninja", I said.

"Yea, a not so quiet ninja", she said smiling.

"Because I'm not a basic ninja, it's a different breed", I responded.

"Yea right", she said chuckling.

We headed back to the couch to sleep again. As I was about to sleep on a different side she pulled me to her.

I squealed at the surprised pull.

"Shhh", she chuckled and sat on the couch.

The only way I could tell where she was was because she was still holding my hand. I was pulled onto to couch.

She was laying down and pulled me down between her legs and wrapped her arms around me.

"You're the sweetest", I whispered.

"Only for you beautiful", she whispered back.

I laid my head against her shoulder and she ran her fingers through my hair.

I missed when she used to do this.

I let out a content sigh.

She continued and I happily, eventually fell asleep.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now