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I tapped my hand against my lap nervously.

"Why are you so nervous?", she asked paying attention to the road.

"I don't know, why are you so nervous?", I asked.

"I'm not", she replied.

"Right", I said noticing that she actually wasn't.

It was complete silence again which meant tapping my leg again.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not kidnapping you or anything", she chuckled.

"I mean I don't know what you're capable of", I said teasingly.

"Shut up", she said smiling.

I smiled as I saw our old spot come in to view.

"You did not", I said smiling.

"Oh but I did", she said chuckling. "We used to come here all the time", she said looking out.

"When we just wanted to get away", I said.

"And things were less complicated", she said.

"Way less complicated", I added turning to her.

"Do you remember when we first found out about this place?", she asked smiling.

"Yea it's the first time I told you I loved you", I said smiling. "Gosh I was so nervous that night", I added causing her to chuckle.

"Same", she said.

She sighed before turning to me.

"I know I've apologized a million times but I just need to say I'm sorry and it's not just for tonight", she said.

"Hey it's not your fault", I said knowing that she was blaming herself.

"I can't help but feel like it is. If I didn't show back up in your life then none of this would've happened", she said letting a few tears fall.

"It's not your fault. I am glad that we met again", I said wiping her tears.

She cried harder so I pulled her closer.

"It's ok", I said comforting her.

Once she calmed down I lightly kissed her head.

"It's ok, you just have horrible taste", I joked.

"You know you just dissed yourself right", she said.

"Yea.....", I began.

"And my statement stands strong, you seriously have horrible taste", I joked.

"Shut up", she chuckled wiping her tears.

I smiled while looking down at her.

"Don't blame yourself sweetheart", I said looking in her eyes.

"What happened was on him and no one else, got it", I said.

She sniffled and nodded.

"Good", I said.

"You want to go for a drink?", she asked.

"Thought you would never ask", I said opening the door as she chuckled.

We walked to the little cafe close by. It was luckily empty except for the two workers.

"Hello", they greeted.

"What's up", I said making one of the girls look up.

"Am I seeing right?", she asked.

"Jessie", Camila said hugging her and I hugged her after.

"It's been a long time", she said smiling. "You guys back together?", she asked.

"Nah", I said.

"Bummer, you guys want the usual?", she asked.

Camila nodded and so did I. As she made our drinks I turned to Camila.

"See people still ship us", I teased.

"Hush", she chuckled.

I smiled as Jessie came back with our drinks and I paid, much to Camila's dismay.

"Come back soon", she said hugging us goodbye.

"I don't know about this one but you'll see me more often", I said waving.

She gasped and lightly hit my arm as I laughed.

"Don't worry I'll be back", she said before we left.

We walked back to the car, but before I could get to the door, she pulled me over to the bench.

"Cabello are you crazy? It is freezing", I said.

"Ok", she said and once again put jacket on me. We sat and I looked over at her.

"Do you really think I'm letting you freeze?", I asked.

"I mean I want us to sit out here but you think it's freezing so I did what I needed for you to stay out here", she said shrugging.

"Every single girl except for me are so complicated", I groaned pulling her into me so that she could stay warm.

"No we are not", she said.

"Yea keep telling yourself that", I said chuckling.

"Maybe I will y/l/n", she said cuddling into me.

"You know we always end up back at square one", I said smiling down at her.

"What do you mean?", she asked.

"Like I tell myself to distance myself from you but then something always pulls us back to each other", I said.

She stayed quiet as she laid her head on my shoulder.

"It does seem like that", she said softly. "But I'm starting to think that this is probably a sign", she said.

"Maybe", I said honestly not wanting to go that deep into it.

I sighed and looked out at the beautiful night sky.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now