Alone(What Is My Worth?)

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I spent the next few days having a blast with the family. Brittany knew that I was staying but Isabella didn't.

I just can't break her little heart. I made sure they had the best time of their life's out here.

We flew in a helicopter, went to beaches, visited museums, had ourselves painted, etc.

Despite their protests I made sure everything was paid for.

All good things eventually come to an end.

Right now I'm walking with them to the private plane. I hugged them tightly as Isabella just looked confused. They looked sad as we pulled away. I leaned down to Isabella's height.

"Mommy, mama why are you sad?", she asked at seeing the sight. They smiled down at her.

"Y/n/n", she said softly. "Aren't you coming?", she asked. I shook my head and she cried...hard. I didn't know what to say so I brought her into a tight hug.

"You don't love us anymore?", she whimpered.

"Of course I love you guys", I said.

"I always will but I have some unfinished business here. I will visit like all the time", I said making her smile.

"I got you something", I said pulling the stuffed animal from behind me.

"If you ever start to feel sad or anything and I'm not there. This is like a mini version of me", I said handing her the stuffed bear with my name engraved in it. She hugged the bear tightly making me smile sadly.

"The same goes for you guys too", I said towards the couple as the flight attendant walked out with two massive sized bears that looked the exact same as Isabella's.

They laughed and I smiled knowing that they liked it. They had to leave soon so I gave them one last hug.

"I love you guys", I said.

"We love you too", santana said.

I watched as the family that I've grown to love walk away. They got in the plane and I sniffled and placed my shades on.

I pulled my hoodie up and walked back towards the main airport area. There were a lot of fans waiting so I took pictures with most of them.

"I want to thank you guys for supporting me still after all this time", I yelled. They cheered and I walked back to my car.

I got in my car and drove to the house. I can't even call it a home anymore.

I haven't been in "our" room since I got back. There's too much memories. I got there to a dark house. I didn't even bother turning the lights on.

I sat by the fireplace and took a swig of whiskey. I turned up my speaker throughout the house to max volume and sang along to the sad songs.

Maybe I need to get sad drunk at least once.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the couch.

Can't believe I'm back here.

I soon started to feel a little more tipsy. I sighed as I got a phone call. I didn't bother checking the caller Id.

"Wad up", I said into the receiver.

"Hey y/n", Andrew greeted.

"Have you seen the news lately?", he asked.

"No, was I suppose to?", I asked.

"Yea you're on headlines all across the globe. The infamous y/n returns to the stage after three years of silence", he said reading the headline. I was kind of surprised that it made headlines.

She Used To Be Mine (Camila/you)Where stories live. Discover now