The Quest: Chapter 1

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"What are the elves like?" Alannah asked curiously as they rode the horses west of the Misty Mountains. Boromir looked back at her briefly.

"They're not much different than you... and I." He answered vaguely. "Wise, kind, perhaps a bit odd."

He looked towards the sky, determining the time from the position of the sun.

"We'll arrive in Rivendell by mid-morning, I know it's been a long time since you've been on such a journey." Boromir eyed her as she gripped the reigns of her horse. Alannah shifted in the saddle, uncomfortable with the baggy male garments and padding she was ordered to wear if she was to leave Minas Tirith on this quest with Boromir. She adjusted the small blade on her hip that Gandalf had gifted her years ago, wondering if she would ever have to use it. The steward of Gondor had only consented to her travels with his son, Boromir on the condition that she was disguised as his male companion, as to not draw the attention of any other suitors.

"I'm fine

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"I'm fine. I thank you again, I know your father was displeased that you suggested I accompany you. I just assumed that Gandalf would have come to collect me sooner." Alannah sighed as she remembered the white washed walls of the great city of Gondor. It had been almost a year since the grey wizard had asked the Steward of Gondor to take her as his ward until he returned. Only, he had returned just a few days prior to use the cities library and still did not take her with him, let alone stop to visit with her.

"I can't do it Boromir." She said in a soft and cautious voice. "I won't marry him." Boromir looked back at her once again before directing their horses off the road, leading them to a small creek that was obscured by vibrant green bushes and tall oak trees. He descended from his horse and tied their reigns around a tree before helping her off of her horse as well.

The pain in her hips from the long journey caused her to collapse into Boromir's arms as he lifted her down. He couldn't help but to embrace her, pulling her into his chest. She smelled of lilies and parchment, her room always filled with fresh flowers and books high in the city walls. She gently pushed him away, forcing herself to walk steadily and sit by the water. Autumn was approaching, the myriad of green and red leaves fluttering down to the ground around her the telltale sign that summer was at its end.  She almost felt renewed as she listened to the nature around her, calming her as would a mother's lullaby.

"Boromir. You're a noble man and a good friend. You've been nothing but gracious to me, but none of this can happen. Not with your father, and not with you." She pulled a cap off her head, allowing her dark waves to cascade freely down her back. Her hands were sore and blistered from holding the reigns too tight on the journey as a growing anxiousness festered in her heart.

Boromir pulled some clean linen from his saddle bag and came to sit next to her, gently examining the wounds on her palms. "My father has grown fond of you, perhaps too fond. I agree, he is too old for you to marry and I apologize that he's put you in such a position. Gandalf entrusted him to watch over you just until he returned for you."

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