The Quest: Chapter 36

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Alannah winced her eyes as the bright morning sun blinded her. She felt the tree's bark against her bare skin as she shifted, remembering where she was. Legolas still lay on top of her with his arms wrapped tightly around her body, ensuring she wouldn't fall from the high branch.

"Legolas, wake up." She urged as she gently shook his arm. His blue eyes peeked up at her, kissing her cheeks as he awoke.

"For once it is you who wakes before me. I'm a bit shocked." Legolas joked as he gently lifted himself off her. Alannah grasped the branch as she looked over the edge, hoping no one was nearby so they could climb down safely. She flinched at the dizzying height as she pushed herself back, leaning against the trunk of the tree to still herself. Legolas moved in front of her, the sun illuminating his bare form.

"Remember, you are an elf. Do not be afraid. Besides, you didn't seem frightened last night hervess nin." Legolas said with a smirk. Alannah glared at him jokingly as she took his hand and forced herself to stand with him. "Come, I'll carry you back down."

Alannah nervously climbed onto his back, keeping her eyes closed not because of the height but fearing if anyone would see them descending without their clothes. The sounds of wind and fluttering leaves filled her ears and in a matter of seconds, they were on the ground. Their clothes were exactly where they left them, and Alannah quickly pulled her gown over her head, satisfied there were no other elves around to see. As she watched Legolas button up his tunic, she remembered her conversation with his father the day before and leaned against the tree.

"Your father is angry with me." Alannah stated plainly. Legolas peered over his shoulder and continued dressing.

"I am aware. Please understand where he is coming from." Legolas said softly. Alannah nodded, knowing as a king he was responsible for everything that happened within his realm, as well as the lives within it. Legolas took her hand as they walked back towards the king's halls, occasionally remarking on the beauty of the forest now that spring had finally come.

Alannah bent down and looked at a bunch of wild flowers that had grown at the base of a tree, admiring the gorgeous hues of pinks and yellows. As she ran her hand over the soft petals they seemed to grow. Alannah stepped back in amazement, uncertain if what she saw had really happened.

"Legolas! Did you see that?" She exclaimed as she pointed at the patch of flowers. Legolas smiled as he pressed a kiss to her head.

"I did! Well done meleth nin." He laughed. "You are one with the forest, remember, you're an elf."

Alannah stepped back up to the flowers and gently touched the grass surrounding them. To her amazement, a few sprouts popped out of the ground.

"I didn't know I could do that." She whispered as she looked down at her own hands. Legolas bent down beside her, running his own hand lovingly over the new growth on the forest floor.

"Come, let's go home. You can grow as many flowers or plants as you want whenever you desire. But I must speak to father, see if I can curb his temper."


Legolas and Alannah parted ways as they entered the king's halls. She went to their quarters to quickly bathe after their long night in the treetops while Legolas made his way to the throne room. He remembered his father's frustrations after discovering what had happened in his absence and thought of different ways to help lessen it.

"Ada, do you have a moment?" Legolas asked as he approached his father. Thranduil sat on his throne poised, already knowing what his son was there to speak to him about.

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