The Quest: Chapter 51

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A/N: I have receive many messages about the ending of this story and I'm happy to announce that THIS IS NOT THE FINAL CHAPTER. I hope you all enjoy, please leave comments and votes as I love reading all of your feedback and reactions. Love you all! ~A

"It's finished." Legolas stated as he took several paces back from the small boat that he and Gimli had built together, wiping a small bead of sweat from his brow. Gimli nodded approvingly as he kicked the hull of the ship with his boot, letting out a loud grunt in approval. The ship meant more to Legolas than just a means of transportation, it restored a sense of hope within him that soon, he would be reunited with his wife and son. He sucked in a deep breath as he placed a hand on Gimli's shoulder, needing to balance himself for a moment, as he was overcome with emotion. The beating of his heart quickened and his vision grew blurry as he felt himself sway slightly. The thought of reuniting with his family was enough to bring him to tears once again as it had every night he lay in their bed, alone.

The loneliness was what was the worst. Throughout his days he was able to keep himself busy, his mind occupied as Gimli was more often than not around to help him do so. But at night when the colony was quiet, Legolas would lay in the bed he once shared with Alannah and clutch her pillow to his chest and cry. Often times he feared holding her pillow to him would fade the scent of lilies she had left behind but his pain pushed it away, needing to feel her in some sort of way even if it was just an old pillow.

On some rare nights when Legolas was utterly consumed with his grief, he even ventured to Oryn's room. He could never make it past the doorway, having only ever been able to bring himself to open the door ever so slightly. Sometimes, he visualized the baby ellon that used to lay sleeping peacefully within. But now, the room lay vacant with a fine layer of dust covering the entire room. His entire family was gone; Alannah, Oryn, Thranduil, Gandalf. His world, his heart. All he had now were his memories and the rooms that were haunted with them.

Gimli's hand closed over Legolas' as it clasped his shoulder, knowing his friend had experienced more hurt than any living being should have to endure. Once he felt Legolas' swaying cease, he pushed his hand from his shoulder and trudged over to the ship. "Well, what are you waiting on pointy ears! Are we sailing this fair day or are you too fearful of getting your hair wet?" Gimli asked, knowing their playful teasing toward one another often helped with Legolas' mood. Legolas managed a small smile in return as he raised his eyebrow. "And you think you can reach the oars with those short arms?" He quipped as he turned to go back inside his home to ensure everything he wished to bring along was already packed. "One moment Gimli."

Legolas smirked as he heard Gimli huff impatient when he walked through the doorway, definitely more anxious to leave than he was. Legolas was leaving almost everything behind having decided to bring only Alannah's old journals, his son's baby blanket and the Lothlorien leaf clasps he and Alannah wore on their cloaks when they were in the fellowship. Things and objects meant nothing to him, preferring to forego everything he had ever acquired to join his wife and son sooner. Legolas closed the door to Oryn's room as he walked through the corridors, making his way back to his and Alannah's room one final time. He stood in front of the bed with his arms crossed, his eyes darting around as he imagined her there. Legolas could still envision her combing her long hair in front of the mirror, sitting on the chair rocking their son, moaning softly on the bed as they made love. He inhaled deeply as the memories flooded him, deciding to open their armoire to look inside one more time.

His eyes were suddenly caught on something shoved to the back, almost completely flush against the wood. Reaching in and grasping it he immediately recognized it to be Alannah's pipe and pipeweed that Gandalf had gifted her many years ago. He pulled it out and studied it as his thumb ran over her soft chew marks on its stem. A small jar accompanied it and much to Legolas' surprise the pipeweed still seemed to be in fresh and consumable despite its many years hidden away. Carrying the items out onto the balcony, he sat them down on the rail and looked down at them. Never had he been fond of it when Alannah partook, but also he never objected or chastised her as he knew it held sentimental value to her. Missing her greatly coupled with his own curiosity, Legolas stuffed the pipe with a small amount of the weed and ignited it. The fragrant smoke rose in front of him and into the sky, immediately hearkening the memories of Gandalf visiting them while he pulled Alannah aside to discreetly share in the hobby. He held the stem in his mouth and pulled the vapors through, allowing the smoke to roll around his tongue before he exhaled. Immediately he felt a calmness come over him, whether it be the natural effects of the herb or simply the nostalgic effect it created, he wasn't sure and truth be told, he didn't care.

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