The Quest: Chapter 5

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Boromir fumed as he walked back towards the camp. There was no betrothal between them and he knew Alannah did not feel the same for him as he did but it hurt all the same when he saw her caught in the elf's embrace. His mind swarmed with jealousy as he tried to make peace with himself about it. After all, his father revealed to him that she was part elf shortly after her arrival in Minas Tirith. It was only natural for her to be attracted to her own kind, but she was still part mortal and he argued in his mind that surely there could be a chance there for him to hope. Boromir eventually calmed himself down enough to gather the firewood he had promised to get as a way to spy on Alannah while she was alone with Legolas. He had seen the way Legolas and Alannah looked at each other the past few days and he had to see for himself if there was something more than friendship growing between the two. Now that his suspicions were confirmed, he felt helpless as to what he could do to win her heart so instead, he chose to accept his friend's choice. Stumbling back to the camp with his arms full of wood, he forced a smile in front of his companions and pretended to not notice that they were two people short as he began to build a fire.

Legolas looked pleased as he pulled back from their kiss, still holding Alannah in his arms. It seemed as if she glowed even more to him now as a smile grew on her face.

"I pray there is no offense." He whispered as he trailed soft kisses down her cheeks. Alannah giggled under the feeling of his soft lips as they glided over her skin, leaving a tingling trail behind.

"Never." She gasped as he began to move his lips across her collar bone. Alannah had never been kissed before, or even been held in a man's arms in this way before today and Legolas recognized that. His heart had decided for him that he would wed Alannah, but not this day. Bodily union was all that was needed to be recognized as husband and wife in the eyes of the elves and of course, he would wait until the appropriate time for such an event. Wedding ceremonies still took place amongst elves much like they did amongst mortals, although unnecessary, but he intended on honoring her in as many ways as he could. He leaned in for one more kiss to her lips before standing and helping her to her feet.

"We should make our way back." Legolas insisted as he pulled her behind him. Alannah stood still in protest.

"You're supposed to be my archery instructor." She reminded him as she playfully plucked an arrow from his quiver. He raised an eyebrow as he handed over his bow, admiring her determination to learn.

For the most part, he stayed back and watched her shoot one arrow after another. Some hitting their mark and some missing. Occasionally he would step closer to fix her posture or to correct her fingers, always planting a soft kiss on her cheek before he stepped away to watch her shoot. As he watched her learning faster than any other mortal could, her heart was full elf whether she knew or not.

The sun had finally set when he decided Alannah had learned as much as she could in one night. They made their way through the forest slowly, occasionally holding hands, savoring as much of this time alone as they could. Legolas stopped every so often to point out different constellations in the night sky for her to look at so he could steal a look at how the stars reflected in her green eyes. They kissed deeply once more before stepping out of the trees and into camp, knowing it would be inappropriate to display such affections in front of all of their friends when they are all on such an important mission. Legolas pulled aside a low hanging tree branch for them to walk through as they rejoined the rest of camp.

"How was target practice?' Gandalf asked Alannah as he pat her gently on the shoulder. "A star pupil I hope?"

Boromir snickered as he picked up more wood, intending to lay it onto the fire. "She needs more than a couple hours in the wilderness for bow training."

Legolas grinned, keeping his head lowered as he handed his bow over to Alannah. She quickly pulled an arrow from his quiver and sent it flying into a piece of branch that hung from Boromir's arm. It took a moment for Boromir to realize what had just happened as the hobbits clapped cheerfully in amazement. Gimli cheered alongside them, his boisterous laugh echoing through the mountains. Aragorn chuckled also as he pat Legolas on the shoulder, sensing he was successful in more than just teaching her how to shoot. Gandalf smiled as he puffed on his pipe, not surprised she was able to learn such a skill so quickly and approving of what he sensed as a budding relationship between them. The wizard looked upwards to the snowy tops of Caradhras, deciding that once they passed over the mountain, the time would be right for him to tell her all he knew about her past, regardless of the pain it would cause her, and himself as well.

The night was cooler than any of the other nights since they left Rivendell. Alannah pulled the blanket closer around her as she looked at the sleeping hobbits, all four of them snuggling one another as they slumbered deeply. She squeezed her eyes together as she watched the low flames of the fire cracking, sending sparks flying into the night air. The heat it put off was like snow compared to the warmth shared between her and Legolas just a few hours prior. He stood at the edge of camp, once again keeping watch. She admired him as he glowed from the moonlight and wished she could feel that same warmth again.

The rest of the fellowship had been asleep for some time before Boromir stirred awake, unable to get the ring or Alannah out of his mind. He fought to push away both thoughts, knowing the courses of actions that tempted him in his mind would hurt two people he cared about dearly, Frodo and Alannah. He peered over to where he knew she was and saw her shiver a bit against the wind. Alannah squeezed her eyes shut to appear asleep, avoiding any awkward conversations with her friend in the middle of the night. She listened as he left his spot and made his way towards Legolas. She didn't dare look, only discreetly eavesdropping to what was being said.

"How does it look out there?" Boromir questioned Legolas as he watched the elf scan the area.

"Calm. There isn't a soul for miles." Legolas responded. The two men stood together in silence for some time and Legolas waited to see what he had to say. He knew Boromir had feelings for Alannah that were unreturned by her and that he felt she owed some allegiance to the Steward, his father. However, Legolas disagreed on all accounts, knowing that marriage should only come from a place of love and free will. He expected Boromir to say something hateful or speak out of jealousy, but instead found himself shocked by his words.

"She likes flowers, lilies mostly." Boromir began. Legolas looked at him surprised but remained silent as he listened to his companion. "The elves will keep her safe, you'll see to it?" Boromir questioned.

Legolas respected Boromir for stepping aside for Alannah's sake, to let her heart go freely. He was sure that Boromir would find love one day, just not with a woman that did not carry the same feelings as him. Legolas cared for Alannah deeply even though he had met her just a few days prior and had few conversations with her, but his kind felt differently than mortals. He was more soul than body and he knew as he stood next to Boromir that he would love her for all of eternity and he would do anything to keep her safe.

"On my life." Legolas promised as he crossed his hand over his chest in respect. Boromir nodded and rested his hand on the butt of his sword, staring past Legolas into the night. He motioned his head towards Alannah, clearly having a hard time with his words.

"She's cold. I'll take the rest of tonight's watch." Boromir looked out in the distance, finished with his part of the conversation with the elf. Legolas looked at her then back at him, understanding of Boromir's request and began to quietly walk towards her being careful not to wake her. Alannah buried her face into the blanket doing her best to appear asleep. The familiar warmth returned as she sensed Legolas lying next to her. His close proximity was enough to feel him even though he did not touch her. She desperately craved his arms around her as they were in the forest, yet she understood that the setting was inappropriate for such a display as she heard Gimli's snoring radiating from across the camp.

Suddenly, she was caught off guard as Legolas's arm wrapped around her and pulled her into his chest. The scent of wood and sunlight flooding her nostrils and causing her heart to beat faster. Legolas leaned his head down and softly kissed the top of her head.

"Losto vae, nin meleth." He whispered before she slipped into a restful sleep.

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