The Quest: Chapter 20

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"Wake up Alannah." Legolas whispered into Alannah's ear. She buried her face into the pillow, pretending not to hear him. The bed was warm and the feel of Legolas's bare body pressed close to hers was enough to keep her firmly planted there. "Alannah." He shook her gently with a more aggressive tone.

"Why must you always wake me?" Alannah huffed as she rolled on her side to look at him. She ran her hand across his bare chest, lingering on his smooth skin as it warmed hers from the cold morning. Her bare form was easily seen through the thin sheet and Legolas couldn't help but to let his eyes roam over her body, feeling himself growing hard by the sight. He smirked at the half annoyed, half-awake look on her face before pushing her tangled waves away from it.

"I can't very well do this if you're still asleep." Legolas muttered as he slipped his hand under the sheet and grazed the warm center between her thighs. She moaned into the pillow as his fingers deftly moved across her clit. Legolas kept his face close to hers, observing the expressions she made with each stroke. He continued even as she climaxed, satisfied that her morning would have a satisfactory start. Her body quaked beneath him as he showered her face with kisses and slowly decreased the speed of his fingers until she finished.  If only they could stay in that bed just a little longer, whisper endearments to each other and hold each other close as the morning faded to evening. But they knew that for today, it would not be possible.

"I can hear everyone gathering in the throne room. They'll be expecting us." Legolas kissed the tip of her nose before rolling off the bed to retrieve his clothes. There was suddenly a morose feeling in the bedroom as they began to dress, pulling each garment on slowly to delay having to leave. The march on the black gate was indeed a daunting task, one Alannah felt most uneasy about.  She wore her elven clothes gifted to her in Lothlorien as well as the armor Haldir had brought her at Helm's Deep. Legolas handed Alannah her sword and bow before pulling her into a tight embrace. They were silent as they stood together, unable to move their feet from where they stood. But this, they had to do for Frodo and Sam. They had to do this for Middle Earth.


Aragorn and Eomer discussed strategy in the throne room while Gimli chugged down a pint of ale. Gandalf waited patiently as Alannah and Legolas joined them, quiet yet ready. The wizard smiled softly at the couple, the weight of Middle Earth's fate obviously a great burden on his shoulders.

"Alannah." Gandalf called out, waving her over to him. Legolas politely nodded to the wizard before turning her loose to him and joining the rest of the company. Alannah walked over to him with a halfhearted smile as he put his arm around her and ushered her to the opposite end of the throne room, out of earshot of everyone else.

"You've grown to be a very skilled fighter my sweet girl," Gandalf said endearingly. "However, this one fight I would have you stay here in Minas Tirith."

Alannah looked at him confused. "Why Gandalf? You've never doubted me before." Gandalf pursed his lips.

"The dark influence over the lands has been tormenting you. After the other night, I.. I just cannot bear to see you hurt or worse." Gandalf leaned on his staff as he spoke, quickly realizing by her expression that she wouldn't back down. Her face was blank as she looked at him, caught in a sudden stare off with the ancient wizard. He stood up straighter, giving in as he normally did with her.

"Alright Alannah." He muttered sternly before turning. Legolas came up behind Alannah and placed his hand in the small of her back. It was obvious he had heard the entire conversation and as much as he wished she would stay as well, he said nothing knowing she would protest his decision as well. Aragorn walked ahead of them, wearing Gondor's sigil on his chest rightfully as the true King of Gondor. Alannah smiled at her friend's nobility as they walked outside the throne room and mounted their horses, following him to the Black Gate of Mordor.

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