The Quest: Chapter 8

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***Adding a trigger warning here. Graphic chapter that may disturb some.***

Boromir was awakened from his sleep as the sound of soft footsteps entered the camp. He sleepily opened his eyes to see Alannah walking towards the canopy, almost angelic with the white robe draped over her body, holding onto Legolas's arm as he led her behind the tapestry partition. He laid there silently and awaited Legolas to return to his cot, trying not to allow himself to grow jealous about their growing relationship. He had grown to care deeply for Alannah since Gandalf first brought her to Minas Tirith, and even though her care for him did not grow past friendship, he still cared more about her happiness than his own.

His eyes flickered to Frodo who slept near him and he suddenly began to think of the long suffering that Gondor had endured and how simple it would be to snatch the ring from around his small neck as he slept. Frustration began to brew as he thought of the little aid they had received in their fight against the forces of Mordor that threatened the great land daily. His thoughts were interrupted from a soft moan that fluttered out from beyond the tapestry. Boromir tried to bid himself not to move, not to peer behind it and cause his heart any more hurt. As he stood from his cot he argued with himself internally, not to look and not to intrude. He cracked the curtain gently to see Legolas's hand gently massaging Alannah's bare breast before bending down to caress the other with his tongue. Boromir gritted his teeth in anger and cursed himself silently for watching her writhe in pleasure on the ground, feeling himself grow hard at the sight. He jumped, startled as Gimli's snores rattled through the camp and quickly returned to his cot, only pausing to stare at the ring that hung around Frodo's neck.


The sun rose over Lothlorien, casting a golden glow throughout its lands. The cold, damp air forewarning of the winter that intended to take autumn's place. Alannah was the first of the fellowship to awaken as she stretched out beside Legolas. She leaned over him and let her hair fall forward, concealing their faces in a curtain of dark waves. He smiled when he felt her hovering above him and opened his eyes eagerly to see her, feeling that he was robbed of his time with her as they slept.

"I've waited all night to see your face again." Legolas whispered as he stroked her cheek. He pulled her hair back off of her shoulders and sat up. She gasped as he pulled her to him and kissed her deeply. She pulled away, her smile fading as he moved closer to her. Over the course of the night, Alannah could feel the darkness of the ring stretching out over their camp.

"The world will be rid if it soon enough." Legolas tried to comfort her as he too was feeling the same sense of dread washing over the members of the fellowship. He stretched out his hand and helped Alannah from the ground, watching her as she shifted the tapestry slightly that divided them from everyone else. She peered as Frodo still lay sleeping beside the other hobbits and couldn't help but feel sorry that it was him that had to bear such a heavy burden. But it wasn't just the ring that caused the uneasiness that hung heavy as stones in Alannah's heart.

"It's not just that, Legolas. I feel as if the time we've spent here is like the quiet in the trees before a disastrous storm rips through." Alannah closed the tapestry as Legolas moved to stand next to her. She leaned into his touch as he cupped her cheek in his hand, placing his other on her waist.

"No harm will come to you as long as I'm beside you, and if ever a moment I am away just call my name and I'll kill any being that lends a hint of ill will against you." He promised, urging her to look in his eyes. They stood in silence as he pressed his lips to her forehead, as if his kiss was all the armor she would need to wear on their journey. The silence was short lived as the soft sound of Galadriel's voice began to softly call out to the fellowship to wake them for their journey. Legolas pushed aside the tapestry and stepped outside, Alannah following close behind him. Galadriel and Celeborn stood with several elves with them, each carrying baskets filled with unknown items. Galadriel herself carried a small bundle wrapped in white cloth and handed it to Alannah. She smiled when she caught sight of the silver band on her finger, nodding to Legolas in silent approval.

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