The Quest: Chapter 4

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The fellowship continued their march through the Misty Mountains, making their way towards Mordor. Alannah kept finding herself near the back of the group and walking along side Legolas, realizing that besides Gandalf, he made her feel the most safe. Occasionally she would catch his eyes piercing into her only for him to quickly look away and focus his sight in the direction they were travelling.

Every few hours the hobbits requested to stop for yet another meal, only to be disappointed when they were handed apples and dried meats they could nibble as they continued walking. Alannah wondered if they always ate so much and how their small bodies could handle so much food. She ignored the pangs of hunger in her own stomach as she continued walking, eager to get to the next safest place for them to make camp.

"I haven't seen you eat, mellon nin." Legolas spoke as he passed an apple to Alannah. She looked at him curiously as she accepted the fruit.

"What did you call me?" She asked as she took a small bite. He let out a small laugh, realizing that at some point he may be teaching her the language of their people. Legolas grabbed the apple out of her hands gently, taking a bite before handing it back to her.

"My friend." He answered with a soft smile. She blushed as they passed the apple between each other, finding herself growing more attracted to him. Alannah's attraction towards Legolas was more than just physical, she felt a drawn to him the way a budding plant would to the sun. Unaware the other was doing the same, they intentionally kept their stride together as they followed behind the group.

Once again, evening came with but a couple hours left of the sun's light. They made camp a few miles from the base of Caradhras, the highest peak in the Misty Mountains. Of course, the hobbits eagerly began preparing a meal with the exception of Frodo who had seemed to become more withdrawn along the journey. Alannah leaned against a tree and watched him as he sat beside his kinfolk, and observed a heaviness hanging on his shoulders. She had grown up hearing stories of the ring around campfires, all of which she took as some old lore, nothing more than a myth. Now that Alannah is in the midst of the reality that the ring is indeed real and full of evil, she began to notice its effects on those around her.

Aside from Frodo, she noticed Boromir becoming more easily agitated. He seemed to keep close to Frodo, no doubt the ring at fault for being such a temptation. He would occasionally glance towards Alannah and Legolas, remaining silent with his lips but speaking volumes with his eyes. Before, she felt comfortable with Boromir, one of her only friends in Minas Tirith aside from his brother, Faromir. But now, his gaze raised a caution in her heart.

Alannah made a place to sit next to Gandalf, stuffing his pipe full of pipe weed before lighting it and passing it to him. He nodded to her in gratitude as he exhaled the sweet, smoky aroma. The old wizard watched her as she pulled a comb from her bag and began to pull it through her strands, defining the soft waves in her long hair. Gandalf also noticed Legolas watching her as he spoke to Aragorn a few feet away concerning the march up to the snow covered mountain top.

"Legolas!" Gandalf called out to him. "Come to us." Alannah watched as Legolas gracefully walked over to him to see what he required.

"Now is a good time for bow practice." Gandalf pointed his pipe towards the quiver slung across Legolas's back. He bowed his head slightly in obedience before he turned and lightly clasped his hand over Alannah's as she combed her hair.

"Come." He pulled her towards the woods, aiming to find a place quiet enough that she could focus on the task at hand. Alannah looked back at Gandalf as she took Legolas's hand, only receiving a slight nod and a smile from her old friend.

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