The Quest: Chapter 22

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In the early morning of Aragorn's coronation, Alannah stood outside the throne room atop Minas Tirith securing all her belongings to her horse. She had purchased enough food and supplies to hold her over for several weeks with the money Aragorn had given her, and she still had a few coins leftover that she tucked away for safe keeping. Gimli had arrived early from Erebor and had immediately protested her leaving.

"Laddy, why don't you just wait? Pointy ears may still come back." Gimli muttered as he handed Alannah her bow and quiver. She sighed as she secured it to her chest.

"I don't know if I want him to, Gimli." She muttered. Alannah had to let her heart grow cold towards the thought of Legolas if she wanted to move forward, and it hurt almost as much as letting herself feel her love for him. Gimli tightened his lips, understanding of her hurt. Gandalf stood beside Alannah's horse with Aragorn as she continued preparing. The old wizard desperately wanted to ask her to stay as well, but he knew it was time to let her go. Alannah bent down and hugged Gimli tightly before embracing Aragorn. The awkwardness still lingered between them but they silently agreed never to speak of their drunken foolishness again.

"Your quarters will remain uninhabited. You always have a home here in Minas Tirith." Aragorn promised as he pulled back from her hug. Alannah nodded before bowing respectfully to her friend, the King of Gondor. Gandalf remained silent as she stepped towards him. He had watched her grow from a young child into a strong and passionate woman, and although they were not kin, he loved her as his own. Alannah melted into his arms as they embraced each other and she wasn't sure when she would see him again. He pulled her back and held her by her shoulders, smiling proudly at her.

"It's time for your own adventure." Gandalf announced. He wiped the tears from his own eyes before wiping a few that strayed onto Alannah's cheeks. "Go now, before I try to change your mind."

Alannah kissed him softly on the cheek before mounting her horse with a heavy heart. The white tree of Gondor was finally in full bloom, a symbol of rebirth at the King's return. She looked back at them for a moment, thankful for their close friendship that had developed what seemed like a lifetime ago before she kicked her horse and galloped hastily out of the city. She debated on taking the main road out of Gondor, but quickly decided against it. Many would be passing on that road on the way to witness Aragorn's coronation and solitude was what she sought the most. She decided on taking to the fields and travel North, retracing the steps she had taken since the beginning of the fellowship. As she galloped further away from the Minas Tirith, she could see throngs of people begin to pour into the city. She was just out of sight when a large group of elves came walking gracefully down the main road, escorting Arwen to the great city.


Legolas wore his ceremonial silver tunic and diadem as he rode his horse alongside Elrond's on the main road. The city of Minas Tirith was finally in view and Elrond was noticing that Legolas was becoming visibly nervous the closer they became.

"Anxious?" Elrond asked quietly. Legolas tightened his grip on his horse's reigns as he gulped.

"A little. What I've done is unforgiveable, yet here I am going to ask for her forgiveness. What if she has none for me?" Legolas questioned sadly. Elrond took a moment to answer, thinking of how to ease the prince's mind.

"Bare your heart to her, sincere humility is often rewarded with forgiveness." Elrond wisely responded. Legolas ran his hand over his bare finger, wishing the silver band was still in place. He thought about his quarters over and over in his mind as they travelled, hoping it will be ready if Alannah chooses to return with him. He had little time to get ready before leaving the Woodland Realm, but gave specific instructions to the servant elves to make sure it was suitable for her. His quarters were indeed large enough, probably large enough to fit an entire family inside. Aside from the large bedroom, it contained a large bathroom and a large private balcony overlooking the waterfall. Many nights he laid in the spacious bed alone, and now he had a small glimmer of hope he would never have to again.

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