The Quest: Chapter 24

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Alannah awoke to the peaceful sounds of Rivendell. Waterfalls, rustling leaves and the faint voices of elven song drifted through the windows as she stirred. She stretched her arms above her, light from the rising sun catching the silver band on her finger. Alannah smiled softly as she replayed the prior night over in her head, her heartbreak melting away like an early morning's frost as the sun warms the grass.

"Did you sleep well meleth nin?" Legolas asked as he sat on the corner of the bed admiring her. Alannah jumped at his voice, unaware how long he had been there.

"Don't scare me!" Alannah playfully scolded as she hit his shoulder with her pillow. Legolas laughed as he jumped on top of her, pushing the hair away from her face.

"I didn't mean to scare you. I simply wished to see you wake. It feels like it's been an eternity since I've seen such a beautiful occurrence." Legolas pressed his lips to hers before rolling off the bed.

"I brought you breakfast. Once you've eaten and dressed meet me in the courtyard. I'll procure a horse for us." Legolas quickly walked out of the room, his steps light and in a hurry.

Alannah quickly ate the fruit and bread Legolas had brought her before pulling on her elven clothes. She stuffed Aragorn's coin purse in her tunic pocket in case they passed through a city where she could buy more garments suitable for the elven kingdom. She sighed as she looked at the beautiful view from her windows, hoping to be able to visit Rivendell again someday.


The couple travelled once again through the Misty Mountains after their departure from Rivendell. Most of the winter storms had ceased upon spring's arrival and the often dangerous and ice capped peaks were relatively easy for Legolas to traverse as they rode their horse through its winding paths. Alannah shivered against Legolas as she held onto him, forcing herself not to look down as they climbed higher and higher.

"I'm sick of mountains." Alannah whispered as he buried her face in his hair. Legolas peered over his shoulder at his shivering betrothed.

"I know my love. Once we descend, we'll stop and take a short rest." Legolas responded, aware of her fear of heights. It still surprised Alannah by how he could hear the faintest of whispers. Often, he would turn his head, scanning the areas for any threats or signs of danger, clearly hearing something that Alannah could not. He always brushed it off, the sound coming from a small animal or other creature.

She loosened her tight grip on him as they began their descent from the mountain, feeling more at ease the closer they came to the ground. As soon as they cleared the mountains and were in the foothills, Legolas led the horse to a nearby stream to drink and rest before they began their travel once again. The sun hung high in the sky and he was confident they could travel a few more hours before the horse would need to sleep. Alannah stood nearby stretching her back while Legolas watched her. His gaze explored and suggested all at once as he watched her bend and move in front of him. Alannah noticed his eyes roaming her body and quickly stopped, suddenly feeling embarrassed.

"Do you mind turning that way and ignoring me for about five minutes?" Alannah asked as she pointed the opposite direction. "I'll return quickly."

Legolas looked at her confused before realizing what she meant. "Of course, meleth nin. He'll be ready to ride when you get back." Legolas responded as he stepped closer to the horse to stroke its mane. Alannah grabbed her bag and quickly disappeared into the nearby woods, walking about fifty yards to insure her privacy. She looked in the direction she knew he was in before quickly pushing her pants down and leaning herself against a tree to relieve herself before another long ride.

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