The Quest: Chapter 39

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Author's Note: I'm so sorry its been a couple weeks since I've updated! I've been editing future chapters as well as wrapped up in work. Rest assured I will be back to updating regularly! Thank you to all my loyal readers! As always leave a vote/review! (I'm a sucker for reviews) Enjoy!



The long summer filled with warm days quickly began to taper off into cool nights in Middle Earth. Leaves slowly began the change of color as it always did, bright greens to yellows and brown, signaling their lifelong process of death before resurrection. Alannah spent most of her time alone after she had returned to the Woodland Realm, awaiting Legolas's return from his journey with Gimli. Rarely she saw King Thranduil, except in the evening. He always requested that she join him for dinner every night and of course, she always obliged. The meal would always be filled with silence as they sat on opposite ends of the table in his private chambers, the only words spoken between the two a pleasant wishing of a goodnight to the other at the evening's conclusion.

One night however, as the king swirled the wine around in his goblet he finally decided to speak to Alannah.

"You and Legolas intend to relocate to Ithilien?" Thranduil asked as he finally took a large drink of the fine wine. Alannah fidgeted with the napkin in her lap as she shifted in her chair. Thranduil noted her uneasiness and gently sat his glass down on the table. "Nervousness is unbecoming of royalty. Stop fidgeting and speak child." He lightly scolded. Alannah dropped the napkin and forced herself to sit straight in her chair.

"Yes my lord. When, I do not know." She answered honestly. Thranduil nodded his head, satisfied his suspicions confirmed yet saddened to hear of their departure. He stood from the table and bowed his head slightly towards her.

"I'm retiring for the evening. Tomorrow we leave early, I wish for us to gather some plants from our realm for the two of you to take to your new home. Knowing my son, he's eager to set out on this new venture and I'd like the two of you to have something to remind you of home."


Alannah woke early the next morning in the bed she shared with Legolas, saddened when see stretched her hand across the soft sheets to feel a cold space where he should be. It was going on three weeks since she had seen him last and missing him was becoming unbearable. Occasionally she could hear him singing to her in her head as she drifted to sleep or hear his voice softly whispering promises of love and devotion, but it wasn't enough.

Finally, she pulled herself from bed and dressed in casual leggings and a tunic to ready herself for her day out with the king. After she pulled her boots on and secured her small sword to her hip, she made her way out of their room and through the palace halls. It was still early and her empty stomach made her feel a touch of queasiness. Alannah grabbed an apple from a table in the dining room before walking towards the main doors, hoping it would be enough to tide her over during their outing.

"For a moment I thought I would have to send someone to wake you." The king greeted as he handed Alannah the reigns to her horse. Alannah noted the rising sun barely cresting above the trees.

"It's still quite early." She responded as she mounted the beast.

"Legolas was right. You do sleep quite a bit for an elf." He quipped. Alannah bit her tongue, knowing she would lose in a battle of jests with the king.

Several elven guards approached on their horses and lead them through the woods, gathering various plants and flowers carefully to be cared for at the palace until they could be transported to Ithilien. After a few hours they had gathered more than enough to start a large garden at their new home. Roses, tulips, vines, and even young saplings were amongst those they had harvested. The king had taken a few guards of his own to explore another section of the forest while Alannah was left with a few guards for herself. She lead the way as they searched for anything more she would want when finally a small patch of lilies caught Alannah's eye. Quickly she dismounted her horse and knelt down to observe them, wanting them more than any of the other plants they had taken. She stood to dust off the dirt from her leggings and peered over her shoulder at one of the guards.

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