The Quest: Chapter 15

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Alannah watched in shock as Legolas whisked out the door, leaving her behind. The sounds of him blocking the door echoed throughout the dark room as Alannah began to bang on it furiously with her fists.

"No! Legolas let me out!" She screamed to no avail. Anger began to course through her veins as she realized there was no way she could get out. She kicked her bag across the room and sat, thinking of some way she could break the door down. She noticed the strips of fabric that lay nearby and quickly grabbed them. Binding her breasts brought back memories of traveling with Boromir and she quickly pushed his memory aside, pulling the fabric tighter around her until she was satisfied with the end result. After lacing her tunic up and pulling on the chest armor she began to pace, nervous about the outcome of the battle.

After several minutes, she heard a scraping sound at the door. The wooden bar was being removed and she stepped forward, expecting to see that Legolas had changed his mind and had come to free her. Instead, she came face to face with another elf that she hadn't seen since they were in Lothlorien.

"Alannah?" Haldir asked as he looked at her, studying her frustrated disposition. Alannah bowed slightly, unsure of how she should greet the elf. He crossed his hand over his heart in mutual respect.

"Where is Legolas?" Alannah asked as she grabbed her sword and bow. Haldir smirked as he handed Alannah a small square of Lembas bread.

"He is with the archers on the high wall. I'm afraid it was not he who sent for you mellon nin, but perhaps you would fight alongside your kinsman regardless." He stepped to the side of the door, allowing Alannah clearance to exit. When he noticed her armor, he quickly pulled her back.

"But not in that." He gestured to the poorly fitted breastplate. Haldir waved to a nearby elf and produced an elvish armor that would accommodate her feminine body. "From what I've heard of your earlier travels, you must be tired of binding yourself. It's not good for the ribs."

Alannah accepted the armor and quickly changed into it as Haldir stood respectfully outside the door. When she emerged he nodded in approval.

"Fight beside me mellon nin. Rest assured, Legolas does not doubt your ability to, so I shall not." Haldir lead Alannah outside to man the wall beside him and the other elves. Alannah looked around, trying to locate Legolas. Haldir tapped her shoulder and pointed to the far side of where they were standing. Alannah smiled as she saw his blonde hair catch the moonlight, holding his bow readily in front of him, unaware she was outside on the walls.

As Alannah expected, the uruk-hai army came with the rain. She looked in awe and fear as the numbers flooded in, surrounding Helms Deep. She could hear Aragorn calling out the commands in elvish to ready their bows. Her hands trembled as she held her bow in front of her, nocking an arrow into place.

"Suuya." She muttered, reminding herself to breathe as Legolas did when he first taught her how to shoot an arrow. The cold, wet air entered her lungs and she exhaled coolly, keeping her arrow trained on the orcs below them.

Before she knew it, the first arrow was fired and the battle for Helms Deep had begun.


The late autumn rain poured itself out onto the battlefield as the uruk-hai relentlessly attacked. Alannah sent her arrows flying in unison with the elves to her sides as the commands were called. Her worry of running out of arrows was quickly snuffed out as another elf continuously restocked the quivers on their backs. Aragorn's voice echoed through the fortress as he led the attack, sounding more brave and kingly than she had ever heard him before.

"Pendraith!" She heard him call out and she looked at Haldir questioningly. He smiled as he drew his sword. Alannah quickly drew her own and watched as the enemy forces erected ladders to attempt to breach the fortress. With the help of other elves, Alannah was able to push one of the ladders backwards, causing it and the uruk-hai that clung onto it desperately, to fall to their deaths below.

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