The Quest Chapter 49

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A/N: I would like to dedicate this chapter to a very dear friend of mine, RememberKThranduil. (Remember don't read this chapter until you're caught up!!!) You are such an amazing human being and you have been my rock in so many ways! I love you and thank you for everything! If you haven't yet, I urge you to check out their Wattpad and read their amazing stories, you will not regret it. Also give their Instagram page a follow: rememberkingthranduil. I will update this fic within the next two weeks, keep your eye out and notifications on! Don't forget to vote and leave me a review!


A pile of white stones adorned with the flora of Ithilien lay in a clearing in the forest as the final resting place for Oryn. Alannah stood motionless, staring blankly as the rocks were gradually piled upon his body as gently and lovingly as the elves could. She felt nothing, a blank hollowness within her that stretched from within her core and enveloped her body as the burial was finally concluded by nightfall. Her eyes were rimmed with crimson, unable to look away from his entombment even as the skies darkened and storm clouds hid the moon and stars from her.

The ground swayed beneath Legolas's feet as he stood beside her, her grief the same as his own, yet unable to offer either of them any comfort so soon after their tragic loss.

"Meleth nin." Legolas choked out as a few raindrops fell on his hand. "We should go home now." He urged. Alannah continued to stare ahead as if she didn't hear him, or simply couldn't. He grasped her hand gently, jolting her out of her state of absence. She looked down at his hand as it held hers and tried to comprehend the physical contact, a perplexed look crossing her face before she shook her head no.

"I can't leave him out here." Alannah whispered as her eyes began to well up with tears once again. Legolas pressed his lips to her forehead, knowing there was nothing he could say at this moment to ease her pain.

"We must go home." He urged as the wind picked up. A white stone rolled off the pile and landed at Alannah's feet. She stared at it intently as she picked it up and held it in her hand, a rage beginning to build within her.

"I begged the both of you not to go. You and Aragorn promised you'd come back! You both promised to bring him back to me safely!" Alannah screamed as she began to pound her fists into Legolas's chest. Legolas tried to calm her as she fell to the forest floor, screaming and sobbing as thunder and lightning boomed around them. Their tears mingled with the rain that fell onto their skin. A wailing scream permeated from her chest as she looked once more at the grave encasing Oryn, followed by the deepest heartbreaking cry that only a mother could produce after losing her child.

"I know!" Legolas cried as he pulled her into his chest. "I know." She curled into a ball on the forest floor, caring not for the mud that covered her, only wanting to be near their son for one more night. Legolas sat beside her as the storm raged around them, hopeless and grief stricken.

A firm hand gripped Legolas's shoulder from behind yet he did not jump, his spirit knowing who it was.

"Ion nin." Thranduil choked out as his eyes flickered from Legolas and Alannah then finally to his grandson's grave. Legolas's shoulders fell as he reached up to grab his father's hand while grasping Alannah's with the other. The king's heart was also shattered but knew there was nothing that could be done to bring Oryn back. "We must get her home."

Thranduil knelt in the mud and scooped Alannah in his arms and carried her back home with Legolas following closely behind them. As they entered the tree house, the king immediately ordered the servants to clean Alannah up and get her into bed, knowing she would need to take a long rest to recuperate from the day's loss, a day that will forever haunt her in her long life. Legolas sat down in the darkened throne room, unable to go to Alannah. He wished to be alone as he sat on the throne, the seat of honor that was supposed to be Oryn's. Legolas replayed the moment over and over in his head: their joyful embrace as they reunited on the battlefield, their heartfelt conversation about coming home and the single arrow that pierced his son's heart. His blonde hair still drenched with rain dripped onto the floor as he stared at his feet, replaying their final moments in his head over and over. His anguish turned to rage as he stood, grabbing the throne and tossing it across the room with so much force it shattered into thousands of splinters.

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