The Quest: Chapter 34

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As Legolas and the elven army stampeded through the forest, another quake thundered from the ground. The horses reared up, frightened by the sudden shaking that surrounded them. The elves were quick to calm the horses, still unsure themselves what was happening to cause such an occurrence.

"Faster!" Legolas commanded as he lead them through tangled paths of trees, determined to reach Alannah in time. He constantly tried to reach out to her by sending her telepathic words of love and comfort only to receive nothing in return.

'Alannah, meleth nin, my heart. I'm coming for you.'

They rode without ceasing, able to make more than excellent time when Legolas held his hand up to signal the rest of the elven army to halt. Tauriel quickly galloped upon them, clearly shaken as she was hardly able to get her words out.

"Suuya Tauriel, what happened and where is Alannah?" Legolas questioned, the urgency plain in his voice. Tauriel managed to take a deep breath as tears spilled onto her cheeks.

"The old cottage in the foothills of the mountains, she was inside when it collapsed. I couldn't dig her out. We must hurry!" Tauriel exclaimed shakily. Legolas felt himself grow furious with her after she spoke. He waved for the army to continue in the direction of the dilapidated cottage as he scolded her.

"I ordered you to keep her away from there! Why did you disobey me?" He boomed as their horses leapt over a log.

"I simply followed her orders my lord. She disregarded my pleas to stay away. I went to protect her!" Tauriel pleaded. Legolas narrowed his eyes at her as she rode beside him.

"Then you have failed the both of us." He responded coldly as he kicked his horse to pass her, leaving Tauriel galloping behind him as the guilt washed over her.


"Where in my past are we going?" Alannah asked as a bright light suddenly blinded her vision. The smell of water and salt flooded her nostrils as strong winds whipped her hair. She squinted her eyes, desperate to make out anything to no avail.

"Nowhere from your past, Erulisse, we remain in the present day and time. I'm taking you to a place where many reside, surely somewhere you never have to visit." The voice echoed in her head. The light suddenly faded, and Alannah looked around her, trying to make sense of her surroundings. She stood in a great hall that seemed to be never ending. The walls were adorned with thousands of tapestries, beautifully crafted with the finest of silks. No light nor flame were seen in the great hall aside from the ethereal glow of the orb that was Alannah's guide.

"Where are we?" Alannah asked breathlessly as she studied a large tapestry on the wall showing the fall of Barad-Dur, Sauron's great tower in Mordor. She could still remember that day, the day that changed Middle Earth forever.

"Perhaps it is time child I reveal myself to you before we begin." The orb answered as it swirled around her. The glowing beam moved in front of her and slowly began to take on a more solid form. A beautiful man now stood in front of Alannah. His long hair was as white as snow, his eyes matching the same frosted shade. Although the robes he wore were of such a dark shade of blue they could have easily been mistaken for black, he still bore the soft glow of the orb she had grown accustomed to.

"I am Lorien, or Irmo, whichever you prefer. I am a Vala and you are in the Halls of Mandos in Valinor." He explained softly. Alannah fell to her knees, suddenly overwhelmed that she was in the presence of such holiness.

"Forgive me I did not know my lord." She whispered in disbelief. His hand was cool to the touch as he lifted her from the floor.

"I am the master of dreams and visions my child. Lady Galadriel of Lothlorien summoned me to assist you, not a summons so easily given." Irmo looked at her sternly. "There is little time you have here before I must send you back to Middle Earth. I hope you will be able to look forward after today, child, so as not to trip over your own feet again looking behind you."

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