The Quest: Chapter 35

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"She'll wake soon, Legolas. You should rest in the meantime." Lady Galadriel offered as she placed her hand on his shoulder. Legolas sat on the edge of the bed, staring at Alannah as she lay unconscious on their bed. It had been two days since he pulled her from the rubble and still, she showed no signs of waking.

"I'll rest as soon as I know she will be okay." He responded, never taking his eyes off her. Galadriel glanced at her husband Celeborn who stood nearby, speaking to one another silently.

"Legolas I can assure you that she will be fine. Lay down and take a rest, we won't leave the room and we will keep watch over her. You have our word." Celeborn said as he moved to sit at the nearby table that was still covered with many wedding gifts. Legolas shook his head.

"I cannot and will not. Part of me wishes to hold her and see her smile again and the other part of me is so angry with her. Ada is furious at her actions and part of me is as well. I curse whoever sent us that map." Legolas whispered as he motioned angrily to the map on the bedside table. Galadriel sighed as she moved to pick it up and study it.

"It was I who sent it. Do you still curse me?" Galadriel revealed as she sat on the bed beside him. Legolas looked at her in disbelief.

"Of course not." Legolas said as he bowed his head. "Forgive me. But please, tell me why?"

Celeborn stood from the table and moved his chair close to the bed, clasping his hand in his wife's.

"We thought that after so long of Alannah not knowing her past, that maybe she could receive some closure. We did not know the cottage was in such bad shape or we would have never sent it. When your father and us destroyed Dol Goldur, our efforts must have caused some quakes in the earth that in turn aided in the structures falling." Celeborn explained. "But now, it seems that the Valar had plans for Alannah as she lay beneath the rubble."

"The Valar?" Legolas asked stunned as he turned towards them, keeping his hand clasped tightly on Alannah's. Galadriel smiled softly as she looked at Alannah, knowing all too well what was occurring.

"Irmo to be precise. Lorien. When you first visited Lothlorien I gifted Alannah a potion to answer all her questions. That vial summoned him, and he graciously answered. It appears he has visited her once again." Galadriel explained. Legolas furrowed his brow, unsure of what else needed to be revealed to her.

Legolas jumped when he felt Alannah begin to stir, and then shiver as she did when she awoke after drinking from the vial in Rohan.

"Alannah? I'm here meleth nin." Legolas called out to her as her began to flutter open.

"Be kind to her, and we will speak to the king. We will leave the two of you now." Galadriel bent over and kissed Alannah's cheek before taking Celeborn's arm to be escorted to the throne room to speak with Thranduil.

Alannah jolted awake as her body began to shake, feeling an intense cold as she did the last time she was on such a journey. Her eyes darted around the room as she gathered her bearings only to settle on Legolas as he sat beside her on the bed. Her hands fumbled to grasp the blanket that was spread out on her body, so Legolas quickly worked to pull it up to her neck her to warm her up faster.

"Is there any pain?" Legolas asked with a soothing voice, holding back his anger. Alannah managed to shake her head no. He stood abruptly and walked into the bathroom, turning the faucet on to fill the tub with hot water.

Alannah managed to push herself into a sitting position on the bed, going over everything that had happened in her mind. Legolas returned and scooped her up in his arms, holding back his frustration with her as he peeled off her clothes and gently laid her in the tub. He turned to walk out when Alannah managed to grab the end of his tunic.

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