Chapter 1

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A/N: I got trapped in my car in stand still bumper to bumper traffic going to work for over an hour, so this chapter was able to make it out quicker than originally planned thanks to my boredom during it. Yay for mobile apps!

Also, this story takes place during Naruto Shippuden timeline.

I held onto the strap of the traveling bag slung over my shoulder as I exited Lady Tsunade's office. I had my short sleeve jacket zipped up all the way with the collar coming up just above my mouth.

Lady Tsunade wanted me to wait while she spoke with my soon-to-be Sensei, so I made my way toward a bench down the hall

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Lady Tsunade wanted me to wait while she spoke with my soon-to-be Sensei, so I made my way toward a bench down the hall. I kept my eyes to the ground, keeping to myself as people passed me by down the hall. I didn't really care for the fake greetings everyone seemed to force on themselves. It's not like anyone actually cares what you answer with when you asked 'How are you?'. And I could count on more than the 2 hands I got all the times I've noticed people greet each other with 'How are you?' 'How are you?' Never noticing that they both asked the same question and netiher answered, just caring that they did their due diligence as a polite human being...but is it polite when it's not real? I stopped at the bench and dropped my bag to rifle for my book, but it wasn't there.

I sensed a presence come up behind me and before more than just their fingertips could brush my shoulder, I grabbed their wrist and spun around. I slammed whoever it was against the wall and halted with the heel of my palm inches from their throat, ready to make it difficult for them to breath. The intruder's face was mostly covered, but that one shocked onyx eye stopped me from taking it further. I took a deep breath as I took in the silver haired man I pinned to the wall. He looked quite bewildered with a sweat drop on his forehead as he tried to hold his hands up as best as he could in 'surrender'. Then he pointed the hand I was holding pinned against the wall toward his other hand. "I believe this is yours. It fell from your bag." He said with a nervous chuckle.

I slowly gazed over to where he pointed to see that he was holding the book I had been looking for- 'Make Out Eden' I quickly let go of him as I felt my face heat up from our close proximity. Did he do something to me? I don't blush...

I reached for the book, but now that his hand was free, he pulled it back just out of my reach while that one eye watched me with a raised brow. I just returned his stare with a scowl at his antics. "Are you okay?" He asked worried after my assault and then stumble away from him.

My eyes narrowed on him, "Fucking dandy. Even better when no one touches me." I sneered, then with a quick hop I snatched my book from his grasp. I might have had a chuckle at the utterly shocked expression on his face, thrown by my fowl mouth. But for me, the conversation was done, so I turned back to the bench and put all of my attention to my book. Like I said, the only true concern is keeping up with formality, not your answer. He continued to watch me for a moment as I flipped through the pages to find my spot.

"Kakashi" Someone called from down the hall. After one final glance at the strange girl, he headed down the hall where Shizune was waiting for him expectantly.

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now