Chapter 6

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A/N: You may not know this about me, but I assist in fulfilling lemon requests for username: floralthicc. She's also gone by FictionalCait and ThrilledDumplings. I wrote a Kakashi x Student lemon for her a few months back, and it's actually what gave me the idea to start this Kakashi x student story, so if any details in the next few chapters sound familiar it's because they're from that particular lemon. Not verbatim though, because with this being a full on story I'll have a lot more detail added to it. 

Our mission had ended and after returning to the village and days of rest per Kakashi's orders, I was finally up and back in action. And until we were assigned our next mission, Kakashi and I were to spend some quality time in the training grounds since he was assigned to by my Sensei after all. 

Naruto had followed along, both with nothing to do as well until another mission, and curious to see the current capacity of my skills. Naruto decided to just watch first before joining in training, and since I was busy, he took this opportunity to borrow my music player again and continue on through my list of songs.

"First, I want you to show me what you've already learned and assess your current skill. You already know the Lightning Technique: Current Transfer Skill-"

"Uh, what's that?" Naruto called out from the tree he was watching in.

Kakashi rolled his eyes. He was supposed to be training Keiko, not Naruto. "When she channeled the lightning through her weapon!" He yelled over his shoulder, then turned back to me. "You may start"

Almost every jutsu I learned, aside from taijutsu, was lightning technique based. I guess you could say that was my thing, and I decided to start by showing off one of my attacks-Lightning Technique Electric Needle Spread. It was more of a Chunin level jutsu and I was quite stubborn when I first started, determined to learn it first before I learned anything else. 

I concentrated, first growing electric-based needles that spread  over the front of my body from head to toe. If someone were to attack me from the front or sides while I was still forming my needles, they'd still get a nasty sting from them. Once the needles were grown, I paused and looked over to Kakashi to make sure where he was positioned. He had formed a barrier and nodded to me. I triggered the needles with a hand sign and they launched out in a spraying pattern. If I were in battle, anyone who was in the way of one of those needles would receive a nasty shock and temporary numbness in the afflicted area. 

Since this was training, I decided to treat the rest of my techniques like a battle. Naruto hadn't prepared himself for the release of the needles and had covered his face protectively. Before he could see, I performed the bird hand sign and in a wisp of electricity I was gone. I used the Lightning Instantaneous technique. With this-as long as I could visualize where I was going-I could travel up to a mile in the electrical current. 

Kakashi caught on and watched as I reappeared in the brush, underneath the tree that Naruto was in. Naruto whipped his head back and forth wide eyed, not having a clue as to where I went. Naruto glanced at Kakashi who just shrugged like it was nothing, so he relaxed back onto the branch again. 

If I was in battle I wouldn't stay so close, but since this was just to show my skill, I sat down in the brush and performed the final Lightning jutsu in my current collection-the cloud wisp technique. I first formed a cloud in my palm, and then I lost consciousness as it transferred into the cloud I held (similar concept to Ino's mind transfer). I could now hear and see everything surrounding the cloud as it floated about.

I directed it to float upward and blended in with the sky behind Naruto. He didn't sense anything and continued on messing with my music player. I wasn't going to do anything to him, but I was going to prove the effectiveness of my skill. With those tiny earbuds in, there's no way anyone could know what he was listening to without him knowing how close they were. Or at least that's what he would figure. I got the cloud close enough behind him that, even though I couldn't see the players screen, I could hear the beat coming from his ears.

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now