Chapter 7

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"Is the cloud...whatever technique how you disappeared so quick yesterday?" Naruto asked curiously, and partly from boredom, as we made our trek to catch up with Tashine Kuro. 

"No. The cloud wisp technique is how I snuck up next to you without you ever knowing-" I gave Naruto a look when I said that and he looked all around him, first not believing I was referring to him...then his expression drooped when he realized that it was him.

"Which is why it'll work to our advantage to gather information on the guards he travels with" Kakashi added in. "The technique you're referring to, Naruto, is the Lightning Instantaneous"

"The Lightning what-now?" Naruto repeated.

With a roll of the eyes, I did the bird hand sign and instantaneously my form disappeared then reappeared a couple yards ahead of them. "It's called the Lightning-" I flashed back right in front of Naruto and he had to step back to keep from walking right into me "-Instantaneous" I didn't move out of Naruto's way and turned to look at my Sensei. "Kakashi, please tell me there is a jutsu out there named the 'watcha-ma-callit' technique. And if so, train him on it. Cause I think I speak for us all when I say that only Naruto could do the 'watcha-ma-callit' justice"

Naruto's eyes actually lit up at that suggestion "Oh my god, is there?!" He gaped at Kakashi excitedly, making his Sensei sweat drop that he was truly interested in a jutsu called the 'watcha-ma-callit' technique.

"Sorry to disappoint you Naruto, but I don't believe there is."

Naruto sighed in disappointment "But that could be so cool! No one would believe me when I say 'watcha-ma-callit no jutsu' and they would never expect what hit them when I actually use it! Damn..."

Now I sweat dropped a little "Sorry Naruto, didn't mean to upset you there" I chuckled nervously.

"Don't worry about it, it's fine" He grumbled, still a little upset.

I noticed Kakashi had fallen back behind the rest of us and peered over Naruto's shoulder. Kakashi was knelt a few paces to the side of the trail we had been walking down, observing the ground below. 


"They tried to hide their tracks by walking just off the set path-" He murmured to himself "-there's enough sets to be Kuro and his men..." He felt the soil "...and the freshest marks we've come across yet" He finally glanced over and looked at me "It's time" He confirmed and I nodded in response. 

Kakashi dropped his traveling pack and handed it to Naruto, then gestured for me to do the same. "Why do I always get stuck with the extra load?" Naruto groaned. 

"You don't have to be stuck with the extra load, Naruto, you just always choose to" Kakashi told him.

"Choose to?! I don't recall asking for this" He grumbled with a pout

"Really? Mr 'Shadow Clone Master'?"

As soon as Kakashi said that, the light bulb finally went off in Naruto's head and he face palmed with a groan for not having thought of it sooner...or like 100 missions ago. Naruto quickly did the hand signs and 3 more Naruto's popped up, 2 for our packs and 1 for his own. Kakashi threw a shuriken at the one with Naruto's pack, who instantly disappeared in a poof of smoke, not prepared for an attack from his own Sensei.

"Oh come on! What was that for! It was your idea, anyway"

"My idea was to work smarter, not lazier" Kakashi reprimanded with a poke to Naruto's forehead. 

Kakashi got into position crouched in front of me and leaning forward, ready to brace my body and catch me once I was out. I formed the cloud just like yesterday and transferred my conscious to it. Once done, my body fell onto Kakashi's back while my mind wandered up into the sky above.

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now