Chapter 36

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A/N: So, I could have gotten this chapter out sooner, but I came across this Kakashi story on Wattpad-Torn [Itachi x reader x Kakashi]  by IvelissHatake . If you haven't checked it out already, you should! I just read through the entire story in 2 days and I already can't wait for the next chapter. 

I allowed myself to grieve the day I lost Kaori. After that, I distracted myself with training. Training had the desired effect of keeping me busy enough to keep my mind off of certain things. Certain things that would only make me sad if I dwelled on them too long.

While Kakashi and Yamato continued to work near the waterfall with Naruto, I kept a few meters over just within the trees. And right now I was practicing a technique, a new technique-my technique. At least that was the hope.

The idea for it was a long shot, but I was trying to pull from the stunt I had pulled on Kakashi back when we first met. It had been the morning of our first mission, when I stuck the blade of my sword through a tree trunk and used the sap within as a conductor for  my lightning nature.

To perfect this, I added a pair of chakra blades to my collection of weapons. I returned my Niju Buredo blades back to a harness on my back and the chakra blades slid right into straps on my hips.

I started within the branches, jumping across the limbs. With a front flip, I dived down to the ground as I began my trial run. Step 1-Infuse the blades with my chakra. Step 2-Don't forget to lace the chakra with my lightning nature. Step 3-Pinpoint the densest area of sap flow within the two trees. Aim. Throw.

Even though the trees were nearly 20 ft apart, they were large enough for their 10+ ft branch span to overlap one another. Once the blades were in the tree with the sap carrying their electrical current, I was finally ready for some action. I could feel the flow of the sap like it was the blood in my veins. I forced it to rise to the surface of the bark, and almost like a waterfall, a screen of electricity rained down from the connecting branches. The lightning sparked every inch between the two trees.

The best application for the jutsu would be as both an attack and barrier against an enemy in chase. Enemies following close behind will be preparing for direct attacks or recognition of hand signs. They'll perceive themselves as fine when missed by the chakra blades-which are intended for the trees-then slowed down by the shield it creates and shocked by the lightning. 

"So this is what you've been working on" Kakashi commented. He gazed at the trees, taking note that there wasn't a spot left untouched by the lightning. Starting at the leaves, running down the trunks, to the ground and every inch in between was lit up with sparks of lightning. "How did you manage to conduct a current through trees? By its own nature, it should be grounded and difficult to utilize." 

"That's why I'm not manipulating the trees. They just happen to be there; but I do use their structure to help create the field of the barrier."

"Then what are you using to carry the current and conduct the lightning?" 

"The sap inside, of course" Sakura jumped in, sounding as if it was so obvious.

"Of course" I agreed with a smirk.

Kakashi rolled his eyes at us, but ended it with a closed eye grin. "That's quite fantastic, Keiko. To create and master a new jutsu in just a few weeks. You certainly have talent and dedication." He complimented. 

I smiled back, "Thank you, Kakashi-sensei" then I glanced at Sakura still standing there. She seemed to be making a strange glance between Kakashi and me.

"Sakura...everything alright?" I asked after a moment.

She shook her head, snapping herself out of her thoughts. "Yes! Of course I'm alright. Why wouldn't I be alright?" Her quick answer turned into a ramble of affirmations. 

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now