Chapter 26

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The genjutsu had strained my body and I fainted as it wore off. Having prior experience under a genjutsu, Kakashi came to just in time and caught me as I fell.

Sakura and Naruto were quite worn as well and slumped back onto the bed for support. Not knowing when I'd wake or what state I'd be in, Team Kakashi decided to stay the night together in the room. There were two beds that they could share, and they'd all be there for whatever I might need when I woke.

Naruto and Sakura were too tired to argue about sharing the same bed and just managed to slip under the covers.

Based on Akita's insistance to go after Keiko and her observations, Kakashi decided to use this as an opportunity to be able to share Keiko's bed without Naruto and Sakura wondering. As far as they were concerned, Keiko was most 'relaxed' with him as Akita had said, so obviously he was the logical first choice to be by her side ready to comfort her.


I slowly blinked as I tried to wake, but my eyes felt so heavy they didn't want to open. My eyelids felt sore as I switched to rubbing them. I managed to open one squinted eye and caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror on the wall across from me.

I had one of those moments where I first wake up with no recollection of how I got where I was; and seeing my puffy eyes had me confused.

I tried to sit up in bed, but an arm across my waist held me down. I looked over my shoulder to find Kakashi lying behind me...but this wasn't my apartment or his...and he was still wearing his mask. His headband had slipped off in his sleep and now the leaf village symbol was imprinted on his cheek where he then rolled onto it.

I craned my neck around and also spotted Sakura and Naruto in the bed next to ours. Now this left me very confused. The only thing that did make sense was Sakura having forced Naruto to sleep on top of the covers to separate him from her.

I gently picked up Kakashi's arm and slipped it off, then quietly got out of bed. I sat on the edge of the bed as I tried to rack my brain to remember last night.

I noticed my legs felt awfully chilly and looked down. My eyes widened in shock to find myself wearing a dress. A dress?! Finally the memories of what happened last night started to come back to me bit by bit. I hunched over with my head in my hands. My head shook against my palms, unable to believe everything that happened.

I wished that I was just remembering some terrible dream, but the twisted ball that was my stomach told me it wasn't. They know...they know everything...all it took was one stupid mission with that woman and now they know everything I tried so hard to hide.

I peeked over my shoulder at Kakashi who still slept. When he wakes up, will he still see me the same? Or will I be staring into the same eyes of pity I saw from everyone in my village...I don't know if I could handle that.

I wasn't ready to learn the answer to that question just yet, so I made sure to get up from the bed as soft and quietly as possible.

With a rattle and hum, the room's A/C kicked into gear. The draft rose goosebumps across my arms and legs, reminding me of how bare they were. Why am I wearing this? Where are my...shit- I rubbed at my temples with great annoyance, just vaguely remembering my juvenile brain throwing away everything I came with. Goddammit!

If there was any question if I was back to my true age when I woke up, being uncomfortable in this dress definitely confirmed it. Yes, it was cute, but there was way too much skin exposed for my liking...especially my arm.

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now