Chapter 52

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Kaori ran for the front door, snatching her bagged lunch off the counter in her hurry.

"Woah, what's the rush?" I called out from the kitchen, stopping her just before she opened the door. "Academy doesn't start for two hours."

Kaori huffed to herself, annoyed by the delay. Then she took a deep breath and turned to me with a smile. "The rush is two hours isn't enough time if I want to train before school." By the end of the sentence the impatience was evident in her tone and she had a slight pout.

"You know what's not going to help your training? An empty stomach. Now eat breakfast." I pointed to the table with my spatula and she rolled her eyes, but sat down nonetheless. I plated some eggs over rice and sat them down in front of her.

While she hurriedly ate up her breakfast, I eyed the room, trying to spot her current hearing companion.

Over the last six years, Kaori had honed her skills immensely. Kenta was still her ninja hound, but she didn't depend on him everywhere she went. Kaori could sense all living creatures within a radius of her, and fuse her chakra with theirs if she wished to do so just by will. She didn't need to see or touch the creature, knowing their existence was enough.

Since she reached this level, she was always testing her abilities and pairing with any and all creatures she came across, near and far, so she could learn any flaws in her work and hone them as well. Problem # 1 she discovered, pairing with a creature in the distance meant leaving her deaf to her immediate surroundings. That's when she upped her training to be able to fuse with more than one creature at a time.

I curiously gazed around, still trying to figure out who her ears were at this moment. Kaori paused in eating for a moment and smirked at me. She loved it when Kakashi or I couldn't figure it out.

A little chirping filled the silence and I looked down to find a little cricket come out of hiding. It rubbed its wings again sitting next to Kaori's plate and chirped.

"Please tell me you brought him in." I asked and she shook her head with a little snicker, "remember to call pest control." I muttered to myself.

Kakashi finally woke up and strolled in to join us for breakfast "Good morning ladies." He beamed with a closed eye grin. Then he opened his eyes, took one glance at Kaori and his smile faltered, "correction-lady and girl. And that is not something for a girl to wear."

Now Kakashi got the eye roll. "I'm thirteen, Dad. There's nothing wrong with what I'm wearing." She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest.

Kakashi had to turn his gaze away from her. To Kakashi's misfortune, Kaori hit puberty early at ten. For any other girl her age, the top she was wearing probably would have just been cute and nothing to worry about; but Kaori was chesty. The hem rose up, revealing her navel and the cut in the neckline was a bit revealing. And when she crossed her arms, it became very revealing.

"Everything is wrong with what you're wearing." He chastised.

"But this is my ninja outfit" she whined, "it's the only one I like" she tried to pout at him, but his head was still turned until she put her arms down.

"That is not a ninja outfit, that is a-" Kakashi bit his cheek before he said anymore. "We did not approve of it. Now go get a jacket or sweater to cover it up."

"What's the point? I can just take it off once I'm out of here, so I might as well skip the jacket and stay the way I am." She argued, thinking she was being clever.

"That is a good point," I cut into the argument, making Kaori smile in victory, "which is why you're changing out of that top completely for a new one. And you don't have a 'ninja outfit' until we approve of it."

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now