Chapter 51

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Sakura left Sarada in Sasuke's hand the second he came home and told her what had happened that day. A small part of her mind still wanted him to see what it was like to handle two babies all on his own, even if it was just for a couple she might have had some sore feelings, but she was getting better.

But when Sasuke told her Keiko was in the hospital, all she felt was guilt. If it had been her baby, or Kakashi and Keiko's baby, they would have been there for each other...she should have been the one there for her, not Sasuke.

She turned a corner and saw Kakashi's back at the end of the hall. "How is she?" Sakura rushed out before she even made it to him.

Kakashi glanced over his shoulder, and a small smile managed to break through the worry written across his face. It was a sight to see Sakura, and it warmed his heart that she was here for Keiko.

Kakashi nodded his head forward, then looked back to what was in front of him. He reached one hand out, laying it on the glass window as he peered through. Sakura stopped beside him and her eyes widened, seeing the rows of hospital cribs lining the nursery. "Far right" Kakashi murmured.

Sakura looked and gasped, not needing to ask which one was his. It was a little baby boy, swaddled in a baby blue blanket. Strands of silver hair stuck out in tufts around the matching baby cap. His eyes were closed, sound asleep, but Sakura didn't need to bet to know they were onyx just like his dad's. "Oh my god, Kakashi-sensei." She grasped his bicep, shaking it lightly in excitement, "I can't believe it. He's finally here." She beamed up at him and saw his smile grow, her words mirroring his thoughts. "But why are you both out here?" She wondered.

"Keiko's still hasn't woken yet. They're keeping the baby here so they can monitor him until she's awake." His smiled disappeared, replaced by the worry for his wife.

"Kakashi, I can stay with him so you can be with Keiko." She offered.

"Thank you, Sakura, but I'll stay here."

"Don't you want to be with-"

"I do want to be with her, very much-" he cut her off, "-but, I know if it was Keiko's choice she'd want me watching over him." He looked over his shoulder, pointing to a door down the hall, "you can see her if you'd like."

Sakura nodded her head, "let me know if you need anything." She patted him on the shoulder, then headed for her room.

Some color had returned to Keiko's cheeks since she first arrived at the hospital. She was still hooked up to an IV, now dressed in a hospital gown that hid the bandages around her abdomen.

Sakura pulled over the chair against the wall to her bedside. She had Keiko's hand pulled into hers before she even sat down. "I'm so sorry, Keiko-"

My eyes felt heavy and my brain felt fuzzy. The only thing letting me know I was awake was the faint voice breaking through the silence in my head...or was I just dreaming?

"I...I hate that I've acted like such a child over this." Is that Sakura? This must be a dream... "I'm the one who offered to be your surrogate. I'm the one who didn't refuse Sasuke when he came home; even knowing what that could mean." Sakura sniffled. "I just never imagined..." Her voice cracked, remembering the moment she first looked into Daisuke's blue eyes. 

I could feel her hand squeeze mine tighter and I knew then that I really was awake. I didn't want to ruin the moment and remained still.

"When the baby was born, I just became so...I was jealous, obviously, that I wasn't Daisuke's mother...and I just couldn't handle it."

Now I wanted to speak, but my throat felt dry. I gulped, trying to clear my throat. My voice was quiet, raspy "the books recommend when a baby can't sleep, to lay him on his mother's chest so he can hear your heart beat... just like he did every day inside the womb...I've tried it time and time when he cries at night, but it doesn't work. It's like he knows it's not the right heart beat-his heart beat-the one that brings him comfort." I opened my eyes and found Sakura, her eyes watering the same as mine. "and it makes me jealous, knowing there is a deeper bond that I cannot share with him." Now I sniffled,  "So, if you think for one moment that you are not his mother, then you're wrong. I don't care what some test says, you're Daisuke's mother as much as I am and I never want you to believe otherwise."

"Keiko, I'm not-"

"You and Sasuke are going to be watching over Daisuke for a while. So the next time he's upset and can't be calmed, take a moment with him and lay him on your chest. See what happens, and then tell me you're not his mother and that you don't love him the way a mother does."

She was quiet for a moment, watching her fiddling fingers while she considered my words "Okay...I will." She finally agreed.

"Good" we smiled at each other, glad to be speaking again. "Now...where am I?" I asked, finally awake enough to realize I wasn't in my bed; which was the last thing I remembered. I saw the white walls, covered in medical posters, then looked at myself and the hospital gown I was in. "S-sakura, what happened? Why am I here? Is the baby-"

"Shhh-" Sakura stopped my rambling spiral before I started to hyperventilate, "you had a little accident, BUT-" She emphasized when my eyes grew large "-you are fine, and so is the baby. In fact, he looks healthy as can be." She finished, making my jaw drop and eyes tear up.

"He's healthy?... he's...he's here?" I ran my hands over my belly in disbelief, and sure enough it was half the size it was  this morning. "W-where is he? Where's Kakashi?"

"He's in the nursery, and Kakashi is with him. He wouldn't leave his side until you were awake to meet him."

This moment between Sakura and I was important, but...I glanced over to the doorway, "Sakura, would you-" 

"You don't even have to ask. I'm surprised you lasted this long." She chuckled at me, then left to get Kakashi. 

"Kakashi!" I heard her shouting down the hall before the door even closed behind her, making me smile and laugh. 

As soon as Kakashi got the nurse to hand over their son, he was in the room with him snug tightly in his arms. I gasped when he entered, then pouted with big doe eyes watching him hold our baby. 

"He's really here" I whispered as Kakashi sat down on the edge of the bed, with the baby facing me. 

"All thanks to you" Kakashi smiled at me. 

"Oh, I think you're to thank as well." I quipped with a smirk. 

I pushed on the mattress to sit up tall and really look at the bundle in his arms. I winced at the ebbing ache in the back of my head, but brushed it aside not wanting anything to break my focus on the baby. He stretched, starting to wake up, and his little fist pushing his blue cap right off his head. The cap left a serious case of hat hair, making his silver hair stick up all spiky. His nose twitched and wiggled and his lips parted a few times like he was trying to talk before his eyes finally peeked open. Little onyx orbs shifted tiredly between Kakashi and I, curious about the colors and figures in his vision. 

"Oh my god" I breathed happily. 

"What is it?" Kakashi's voice was instantly filled with worry, thinking he'd look over something right in front of his eyes. 

I looked up at Kakashi with a bright smile and watering eyes, "I got my little Kashi" I beamed. Kakashi shook his head in amusement and laughed at me, then leaned in and kissed my forehead softly. He pulled back and lifted up his arms, finally handing him over to me. It felt like time stood still, my breath caught in my throat and time stood still. 

"If it was possible, I'd give you as many Little Kashi's you want just to see that look on your face." Kakashi mused and I blushed. 

"My two Kashi's are enough to make me happy for lifetime." I responded with a closed eye smile. Kakashi smiled back and leaned down again, this time capturing my lips. 

"And what will we name our Little Kashi?" He mused at my nickname, which he was sure wouldn't go away until 'little Kashi' was old enough to be embarrassed by his mom.

I looked back down at our baby boy, who had already closed his eyes and turned in his swaddled, snuggling up to the comfort of my chest. "What about Kiseki?" I looked up hopefully at Kakashi. 

"Kiseki...'miracle'..." he muttered to himself while watching the baby in my arms, who certainly was a miracle, "it's perfect." 

A/N: Sorry this is a short one!

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now