Chapter 38

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I missed Kakashi. It had been two weeks since Kakashi left for his important solo mission.

And of all days, I really hoped he'd come back home today. It was my birthday and the first time in years I had someone that I wanted to spend it with, to actually have fun.

And to top it all off, I was turning eighteen. Not saying I wanted to run outside and make out with him in the streets...but it didn't hurt knowing it was an actual option now.


"Sakura?" I questioned when I found her waiting at the door. She looked a little too cheery for 10 am.

She entered the apartment before I even had the chance to offer. "You're still in your pajamas? Come on!" She rolled her eyes at me, then dragged me over to the bedroom. She stopped short just inside, looking around warily "I forgot for a moment your bedroom is Kakashi-sensei's bedroom...this feels weird."

"You're telling me this whole time you've been his student you never thought he was hot, even for just a moment." I teased. I might not have wanted to admit it at the time, but it was one of the first things I thought when I saw him. Mask or no mask.

"What! I-" she got flustered and blushed at the thought. "No, actually. Maybe another girl would, but..." Sakura sighed, "I had my eyes on someone else."

"Oh, Sakura. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

She turned to me with a closed eye grin. "Didn't mean to-what? Whether happy or sad, any memory of Sasuke is still a memory I wouldn't forget."

"Of course."

"Now-" she clapped her hands, then headed to the closet, rooting around in my clothes. "-what to wear" she muttered to herself as she went through the hangers.

"Umm... you still haven't told me what you're doing here" she just left me standing there while she pulled out the pink dress from my mission with Kakashi. I eyed it wearily.

Sakura turned around to hand it to me and scowled at the look I was giving her. "You can keep up the charade that you don't like dresses all you want, but when you thought you were twelve, the first thing you did was throw away your clothes and put on a cute dress." I returned her scowl until she wore me down.

"Fine" I muttered and snatched it from her. "Now, I repeat, what's going on?" I asked as I headed to the bathroom.

"Well, today's my cousin's wedding, and your birthday-"

Damn, when did I tell her?

"-so I thought what better way to celebrate than to bring you along for the morning preparations!" She called through the door excitedly.

"The morning preparations?" I asked.

"It's only the best part of the day...well, aside from the wedding..." She chuckled at her over excitement. "First we enjoy a relaxing massage at the spa, followed by a facial, manicure and pedicure. Then we we go to the salon for hair and make-up."

I opened the bathroom door and gaped at her. "The best part? That just sounds tiring" I commented.

"Maybe if you had to do it all, but everyone's going to wait on you hand and foot, and you don't have to lift a finger. That's what makes it so relaxing "

"That does sound nice, but...can I skip the massage?" I asked, not into the idea of being naked under a sheet while someone touched my body...sounds a little similar to the uncomfortable appointment I just had not that long ago.

"No, but-" she held up her hand to stop me before I could argue, "-the spa also has a special aqua jet massaging bed. 100% machine, no human masseuse, and you don't have to take off your clothes to enjoy. And it's all yours when we get there."

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now