Chapter 12

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I gave in and came over just as Kakashi had said I could, even though there wasn't going to be any sex involved...I was a little nervous. Yesterday I couldn't help myself and agree when he had asked, I just didn't want to say no to him. But somehow, this felt more intimate than when we were naked in the this normal for a casual non-relationship? To just spend time together?...

But I didn't argue long once I got there as I found myself with him on the couch. Kakashi's back was against the arm and legs laid out, and I was tangled between his legs. I laid on his chest, my eyes closed just enjoying his fingers playing through my hair while he read his current copy of Make Out Paradise. The moment was perfect and I was so content in this position I was on the brink of falling asleep. 

My eyes started to flutter shut and I decided I needed to at least do something with my brain to wake myself up. I dropped one hand lazily from his chest and reached around for my bag which I remembered dropping on the floor by the couch. Finding my target, I ruffled through the contents until my fingers found what I was looking for and pulled it out. 

Shifting oh so carefully so as not to disturb Kakashi too much, I now laid with my back against his chest. Still absorbed in his book at the moment, he just moved his hand from my hair to lay lazily around my waist while he continued to read. Snickering internally, I flipped open my copy of Make Out Eden, curious as to how long it would take before he noticed. 

I got about 5 pages in when I noticed his body underneath me freeze, as if he just stopped breathing. I laid the book open to the page I was on on my chest and looked over my shoulder at him with a blank 'ignorant' expression. His eyes were glued to my chest, but not because of what was underneath my clothes. "Finish your book already?" I asked 'surprised' that he had stopped reading.

Kakashi glanced at the book he was mid-reading for the 4th time, then back at the book that was finally within his reach. "If I say 'yes', will I get to read that?" Between the question and the intensity in his eyes over a book made it hard to hold back laughing, so I settled for a smirk. 

Oh, I couldn't keep up the innocent act, I was in the mood to mess with him. "And who said I was finished?" I asked 'incredulously'. 

"You were on page 50 the last time I saw you reading it. Now you're on page 15. Which means you've finished reading it at least once-" He pointed out as he reached for it "-which means it's my turn" I quickly held the book out in front of me so he couldn't grab it, but he was taller than me so he was still quite close. "Come on, Keiko" He pleaded as he reached again. I scrambled as best as I could from his lap and to the other side of the couch with the book pinned behind my back. "The hard way it is, then" He smirked.

Kakashi had me under him before I knew it, pinned to the couch as he tickled me mercilessly. I tried to block his 'attacks' as I laughed uncontrollably, but I was laughing too hard to coordinate my movements well enough. Once Kakashi knew I wouldn't stop him, he kept one hand on my ribs tickling non-stop while the other slipped underneath my back to pull out the book. 

"I thought you would have gotten over this stubborn side last night!" His violet eyes held an almost demonic glow as he leaned over my body cowered on the floor.

When I didn't lay as he instructed, he put me on the ground himself. He had attached the shackle around my wrist to one of the chains just before, causing it to twist and pull harshly behind my back when I 'fell'.

In this position all it took was a gentle hand on my right side and I screamed out in pain.

"This is all your choice! If you just stopped fighting it, I wouldn't have to put you through so much pain" he hissed as he put more pressure on my newly fractured rib. Then he flitted it over to my left side "Maybe we just need to even you out, then you'll finally learn"

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now