Chapter 14

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A/N: sorry some of my updates have been taking longer to get out. Have had some busy days at work with higher ups coming to check out the place and getting ready for Memorial Day.
Also, let me know what you think of things happening so far. I'm always afraid to rush the story and have readers be like 'well how the hell did we get here? Where's the in between?' because I've had those moments as a reader myself. But then sometimes I worry I give too much detail to get to the plot and am making it feel slow to get to the juicy yeah, let me know if you think I need to go faster or not. Feedback is always appreciated and never hated. Or if you think that later on in the future just let me know. Thanks!

I laid bare on my stomach in Kakashi's bed. My arms curled around the pillow under my head, just enjoying the silence while he had his fun. I wasn't sure if he was actually doing something or just being silly as soft brush strokes caressed my lower back. The tip swirled and tickled as it swept back and forth, accompanied by the occasional kiss on my hip, back, spine-anywhere he could touch.

Kakashi laid the brush down and leaned back on one elbow, his other hand caressing my bare hip as he observed his work. "Keiko," his tone was soft, calling my attention. I turned my head on the pillow in his direction and gave a little 'hmmm?' "What did happen?"

My brow furrowed, not understanding to what he was going with this. "What happened when?"

"What you couldn't tell Naruto and Sakura-" now my brow deepened in annoyance realizing he was bringing this back up. Trying to get me to talk about my captivity. Too busy watching his hand as it ran up the side of my thigh all the way to my back, he didn't notice this look, "when you were-"

"It's not 'what I couldn't tell Naruto or Sakura'. I won't tell anyone." I emphasized as I cut him off. Instantly my relaxed mood felt spoiled, anymore questioning and I would get angry with a quickness. And of course, Kakashi did just that. 

"I understand it was hard to go through, to think about again-"

"You understand nothing, so stop-"

"-Then speak to me so I can. Talking about it can be as hard as getting over it, but the two also come hand in hand"

"No! How many ways do I have to tell you 'no'! Leave it or I'm leaving" I warned him sternly.

"But Keiko, I just want to-"

That was it. I didn't want to hear anymore. I told him to stop. I told him to leave it be. Before he could finish that sentence I sat up and performed the hand signs for the teleportation jutsu. Yes, I was still naked, but I was going back to my apartment where I had more clothes waiting for me. That's how much I hated this topic.

Back in my apartment, I stomped to my bedroom in annoyance. I may have also slammed a drawer or two while looking for the clothes I wanted to emphasize my current state. Why did Kakashi have to talk? Why couldn't he just let us be as we were, enjoying our casual fling? Why did he have to make the moment something more serious?

I suddenly felt another presence right behind me in my apartment. I snatched a hidden knife from the drawer I was ruffling through and spun around with the blade ready to attack. "Woah, Keiko, calm down!" Kakashi jumped back to avoid my blade.

"Kakashi?! What the hell..." He's never been to my apartment before, he has no markers did he get here so fast? That's when the light bulb clicked in my brain. I moved over to the mirror on my dresser and peered over my shoulder at my back. "You made me a teleportation marker?!" I gaped, now seeing what he had been doing on my back. He was so sensual about it in the moment, I hadn't even stopped to question what he was doing. 

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now