Chapter 33

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Kakashi shifted his gaze from the window to Sakura as she rapped her knuckle against the frame of the doorway. "Kakashi-sensei, how are you feeling?" She asked, stepping into the room. 

"Just dandy" He responded with a closed eye grin from under the blanket. 

"I'm glad you're okay," She returned his smile, but it didn't reach her eyes as she got a little nervous. Sakura fiddled with something behind her back as she tried to get the first words out.

" there something on your mind?" Kakashi asked, observing his student's hesitation.

"You know how Keiko always tenses up or gets jumpy when she can't see what's approaching her?" Kakashi just arched a brow in response, waiting to hear where this was going. "Well...I think Akita was right when she said it was because Keiko was terrified it could be him-Hidan."

Kakashi reached under the sheets to fix his mask, then slowly pushed himself to sit up with a grunt. All his muscles still ached from the sheer exhaustion he had pushed his body into. "Sakura, why are you bringing this up?" He had a feeling she was going somewhere with this-somewhere not good. 

"I don't think she felt that way because of just some fear," Sakura brought out the photos she had been shuffling nervously in her hands. "I came across an..album of sorts in Hidan's hideout after you left." Sakura fanned out a few of the photos for him to see. "She was sensing him watching her, but she didn't know it." Kakashi's eyes widened in shock as he looked at the photos. They were photos shot from a distance, each clearly from different points in her life. There was a photo of her outside the orphanage at fourteen, training at the ninja academy at fifteen, and the last at the gates of the Hidden Leaf village when she first transferred.

Kakashi crumpled the sheets in his fist, angry at himself that he had never sensed his presence or stopped him sooner. 

"And now I get why you've been so protective over Keiko" she added, noting his quite evident anger. "It's a good thing I saw these first" Sakura pulled one last photo from her pocket and handed it to Kakashi. She couldn't help but blush and avert her gaze from her Sensei when he took it from her.

It had been a difficult photo to take, but someone still managed to capture the image of him and Keiko through the blind slats on his window. All that was visible of Kakashi was his back and side of his face, but it wasn't hard to guess what they were doing as he was bare, hunched over Keiko with her legs wrapped around him.

Now Kakashi blushed awkwardly. He had never imagined in a million years he'd be given a sex photo of himself from his student. "Sakura, I-" Kakashi was ready to plead with her not to tell  anyone, but she stopped him.

"It made me rethink that list you gave me. What you're planning isn't just some ordinary birthday party, is it?"

Kakashi hesitated for a moment, unsure if it was a trick to answer. But her expression was soft, not full of anger at her Sensei like he had expected. "No, it's not."

"Then you really do care for Keiko... it's not just some dalliance."

Kakashi arched a brow, "dalliance?" He chuckled at the word and Sakura scowled at him, "okay okay." He raised his hands in surrender. "Yes, I really do. More than I ever imagined I was capable of." He confessed. "So...what do you plan to do with this?" He asked, wondering if Sakura would choose to stick to her duty as a law abiding shinobi and turn him in.

"Akita said Keiko had found something that has already been changing her life for the better; helping her passed what happened to her. I wasn't sure what she meant, but are what she has, Kakashi. As long as you are what makes her happy, then the only plans I have is to help you with this party."

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