Chapter 19

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~Time Skip~
~Previous Mission Complete~
~Month or so later~

Today was an off day, and I had it all to myself since Naruto insisted Kakashi help him with some rigorous training today. Or so I thought as I noticed a disappointed looking Naruto when passing the Ramen hut. I paused and looked around, noticing that Kakashi was not with him for lunch either. What's up with him? 

I back tracked and took a seat on the stool next to Naruto. 

"Can I get you anything little lady?" Teuchi asked, getting Naruto's attention before I could speak.

"Umm...a chicken ramen to go please" I quickly ordered. I ordered mostly to be polite, I wasn't that hungry just now. Once he walked away, I turned to Naruto "What's up Naruto? How did training go today?"

"It didn't" He grumbled and stabbed at the ramen in his bowl. Glad I'm not those noodles

"Why not? I thought you had a whole day planned with Kakashi-sensei"

"Yeah, well, he never showed up..."

"Isn't that just Kakashi?" I pointed out with a chuckle. Naruto should know better than I how late he could be since he'd been dealing with it for years longer than myself.

"I can handle a couple hours. In fact, the training of my patience is all thanks to waiting on Kakashi, but this is just ridiculous! I've been out there training by myself since sunrise and I haven't stopped until getting lunch now. A couple hours is one thing, but half a day is another" He continued to grumble, clearly upset that he didn't get his special dedicated training with his Sensei. 

"Have you gone looking for him or know why he is held up?" I asked. The part of myself that belonged to Kakashi couldn't help but come out, ready to defend him. Ready to defend him? Seriously? It's not like his name is being seriously slandered here, Keiko...come on!

"It's Kakashi...what other reason does he need to not show up except for being himself" He muttered.

"Here you go!" Teuchi cut in, placing my to go bag on the table.

"Thank you" I gave him a smile as I rifled my wallet out of my pocket. "I'm sorry today didn't go as planned Naruto" I turned back to him after paying, "But I hope the rest of your day gets better"

"Yeah...Thanks Keiko" Naruto replied, mustering a grin for me before I left the hut. Normally I might have stayed around and even offered to keep training together, but the missing person in this conversation was Kakashi. My mind grew both curious and worried as to why he didn't show up today. And I never saw him, which made me feel even more sure that something was up. 

I didn't even need to think about where I was going. While my mind was busy fussing and worrying over Kakashi, my feet took me straight to his apartment. I made sure to keep an eye on anyone nearby before I reached the floor to his apartment. I knocked softly, no response, but then I tested the knob and it was unlocked-and Kakashi never left his apartment open if he wasn't there. 

I slowly opened the door and inched inside, unsure of what I was walking into, or if it was something I should be walking into. "Kakashi?" I called out hesitantly as I left my bag of ramen on the table. 

A few coughs could be heard from the direction of his bedroom before a hoarse "...keiko?" responded. 

I opened his bedroom door and there he laid in bed, looking pitiful enough that it was almost cute. His blankets were disheveled, half on half off unable to decide if he was too hot or too cold. His mask and headband had been tossed to the floor, his face too flush to stand the extra layers. His silver hair was messier than normal and half matted to his forehead. He opened his mouth to greet me when he saw me, but he started coughing again instead.  

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now