Chapter 10

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I fell back onto Kakashi's chest, panting for breath after mind blowing reverse cowgirl style orgasm. Like the phrase 'getting in the last word', Kakashi always had to get in the last squeeze. He wrapped his arms around my stomach, one hand lingering up to cup my breast while he also took deep breaths to calm his racing heart. 

It had been weeks now since I gave him my body to do as he wanted and he never wasted an opportunity. We spent nearly every day after training back in his apartment with barely a moment when we weren't connected hip to hip. And the only times we went without were the days we went away on missions. And I was always good to my word and never tried to act like more than his student and team member when we were on the road. If it crossed his mind, I didn't know about it because I never lingered my glances or traded whispers in the dark. 

"With fear of jinxing myself, I must admit this is already the best non-relationship I've had yet." Kakashi commented. 

Kakashi and I had already formed a pattern, you could even call it a bond of sorts. I typically stayed for at least 2 rounds of orgasms, and in between the first and second we'd lay together in an embrace just chatting about anything and everything. My favorite embraces were any that put my head resting on his chest or lap. Kakashi had formed an unconscious habit of running his fingers through my hair when we'd talk, occasionally twirling the strands between his fingers. It was so soothing, I imagined if I was a cat I'd be purring myself to sleep when he'd do that. 

"If only you were a few years older" 

I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked back at him with a 'this better be going somewhere good' look "You suddenly have a problem with my age?" 

Kakashi held his hands up in playful surrender to my gaze, "Not at all. You're already quite the woman for your age-" his raised hands cupped my cheeks and pulled me into a kiss, "-but any younger would be a line I can't cross. My comment on you being older just meant we could have started this years ago" 

I know it was just an off hand comment for him, but his words got stuck in my mind and it took my head to a bad place 'any younger would be a line I can't cross'. At least Kakashi was one of the good ones. I gave him a small smile and kiss at the thought, but still feeling a bit off I just got up and went to the bathroom without a word. 

After freshening myself up, still naked like usual, I went to his kitchen and decided to rummage around the freezer. I spotted a pint of ice cream that looked good, grabbed a spoon, and hopped up onto the counter to sit while I enjoyed a few bites. 

Kakashi walked in a minute later after cleaning himself up, a worried expression on his face from my behavior. He came over, standing in the space between my knees leaning against the counter "Did I really jinx myself? You know I didn't mean anything negative by it, right? Just playful banter" He said, his hands softly rubbing the top of my thighs assuringly.

I rolled my eyes lightly in play as if it hadn't bothered least not in the way he imagined. "I was feeling toasty. Thought a little snack might do the trick" I explained and hummed in delight with a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth. "Would you like a bite?"

That seemed to do the trick and Kakashi relaxed. "That's so generous of you to offer me a bite of my ice cream" He joked with a smirk

"I know. You're welcome" I smirked back and held out a spoonful of ice cream to him which he took. I took another bite and when I gave him another, the smirk on Kakashi's face grew as he got an idea. 

*Mature Content Warning*

Kakashi grabbed the pint from my hand and set it down on the counter. "Hey, I was eating that" I pouted and tried to pick it up, but he grabbed my hand and held it to the countertop. He leaned his upper body into mine, forcing me to lean back. "Kakashi, what are you doing?" I asked curiously, knowing by the look on his face he was up to something. But he didn't answer, the remains of his last bite slowly melting in his mouth. 

When he got me where he wanted me, he wrapped his arm around my waist to hold my back arched and lowered his head. Kakashi reached my breast and his lips encompassed my nipple. "Oh my god, that's cold!" I squealed in shock from the cold as the last bits of ice cream chilled my nipple while he licked it up. I tried to push on his shoulder to get away from his cold assault, but he just nibbled my nipple in response and my body turned to putty in his arms. Damn he knew all my weak points too well.

My breast 'popped' from his lips when he finished cleaning it off. He looked up at me with a sly grin, then he reached for the pint of ice cream again. I tried to stop him, but he held it over his head playfully and I pouted at him, cause this was a win-win for him. Either I'd try to fight him and reach for it, resulting him getting to watch my bouncing chest while I failed due to our height differences, or I just give in and let him continue to torture me with his chilling tease. I decided to create an option C and lightly ran my fingers up and down his ribs, hoping that he was ticklish. His grin started to twitch and arm lowering, so I thought I had him, but then his grin just grew wider as he set the ice cream back down on the counter; but he placed it much farther down the countertop. 

He had me pinned so I couldn't move my legs, but I still tried to lean my upper body and reach for the ice cream so it was at least back in my hands to control 

"Good to know tickling is on the table" He commented. And that's when I realized that reaching for the ice cream like this left me completely open and vulnerable. Just as he said it, his hands were on my ribs tickling me now. I shot up like a bolt with a loud squeal just when I was about to grab the ice cream. 

"K-Ka...Kashi!" I tried to shout at him as I laughed, but I was weak against his tickling. "No fair! No fair!" I giggled as I got a stitch in my side from all the laughing and fell back onto the countertop. 

Seeing me in this position, Kakashi got an even more wicked idea. While I was too busy recovering from his tickling, he crouched down, grabbing my knees along the way and rested them on his shoulders. I bit my lip and closed my eyes ready for him to touch me, and not at all ready for the bite of ice cream I hadn't noticed him take before he went down. 

Kakashi first slipped a finger inside to get me started. I quickly moaned out and he took that as his cue and sucked my clit into his cold mouth. "Kakashi!" I cried out louder than I ever had before and grabbed tight onto his hair. My body naturally wanted to pull away from the cold, but every lick from his tongue just pulled me right back in. God damn, he made it hard to resist such torments. "You're cruelly wonderful, you know that?" I muttered out as I moaned.

Kakashi inserted a second finger to make up for his disappearing tongue as he looked up at me. A fresh smirk adorned his face, clearly liking the compliment. "You're the one who picked ice cream" He said as if it was my fault. 

"Remind me to pick something else next tIME!" I cried out at the end as he curled his fingers, massaging them against my g-spot. 

"Next time? So you do enjoy me eating things off of you" He started to kiss his way back up my body. "Or do you just enjoy me eating you?" He added as he reached my lips, making me blush furiously from his statement.

We were both hot and ready for round two and our arms wrapped around each other as we heatedly made out on the countertop. Kakashi slid his hands down my body, to my hips then parted my thighs. "W-wait-" I just barely muttered out when I felt his naked tip pressing against my entrance. "-Kakashi, you need a-fuck!" My head fell back and I moaned out. The pleasure of him filling me with his raw cock heightened beyond what I had felt before. After I recovered from it, I swat at his chest in annoyance, but he just continued on as he slowly pulled himself out to just the tip. "Last I checked a baby Hatake doesn't make for casual sex." Kakashi grabbed my hips and pulled me into him as he thrust deep into me again. He finally looked into my eyes like he registered what I said as he held himself buried inside me. 

"Trust me, that's not my intention." 

Then he picked up his pace, no longer stopping as he filled me up. "" I slowly moaned out with the rhythm of his thrusts. 

"Give you a taste of how good it feels raw"

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now