Chapter 11

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Everyone on Team Kakashi was taking a day off from training and missions. And now Kakashi walked around the village bored like, unsure of what to do with his time. They hadn't made plans, they never really did set anything in stone, but Kakashi had still become accustomed to their unspoken extra curricular activities. So, naturally he just assumed he'd see Keiko slipping into his apartment to enjoy their day off having some 'fun' together behind closed doors; but she never showed. 

So Kakashi chose to get out for once and take a stroll around Konoha and take in some fresh air. But he couldn't seem to get his mind off that blue eyed woman, wondering what she was doing, or if he'd run in to her when he turned the next corner. If he did, would she stop and talk to him? Would they end up back at his place as usual? Or would she keep on walking since the streets are out of bounds to their 'casual companionship'?

A hand clasped Kakashi's shoulder, bringing him out of his thoughts which had wandered to Keiko for the umpteenth time. His shoulders sagged dejectedly when he looked over to see none other than Gai behind him. Of course, if anyone was to pop his bubble and kill his mood it would be him. "How are you doing on this fine day my rival?" Gai asked with a big toothy grin, the shine of his hair glinting in the sun. 

Kakashi just shrugged his shoulders with a 'eh' in response, not really in a 'Gai tolerating' mood. "Oh, come on! How could you be in such a mood when you have such a fine student to be beaming with pride over!" Gai commented.

Kakashi gazed at him with a raised brow "I have four're gonna have to be more specific"

"Ummm..." Gai's brow furrowed deeply and he rubbed his chin in thought, "...darn, I forgot the little sprite's name" He mumbled, almost sounded offended by his own self that he did such a thing.

But that was enough to perk Kakashi's attention. He's been on far too many joined missions to forget Sakura and Naruto's names "You mean Keiko? Short white hair and blue eyes?"

Gai's eyes lit up in recognition "That's the one!" He beamed, to which Kakashi just stared at him flatly when he stopped right there. You'd think by his stance that he was about to say more.

"Did you see her today?" Kakashi drawled out, trying to further the conversation on Keiko.

"Did I call her little sprite? More like little hellian. I only caught a glimpse of her training through a crack in the door and man does she take it to HEART!" Gai being Gai got a little carried away, making a simple conversation sound like a motivating speech. 

Kakashi was curious himself to see this training that got Gai so riveted, although it doesn't always take much for Gai to react so. "Would you show me where she's training? I'd like to observe her methods when she's training on her own." 

Gai happily stepped up side by side with Kakashi and wrapped his arm around his shoulder "Right this way-" He glanced at Kakashi in his peripheral and winked "-my friend"

Oh god, what have I gotten myself into...Kakashi mentally groaned and allowed Gai to carry on as he guided him through the streets. Gai took him to one of the indoor training houses set up a few miles from the outdoor training ground areas. There weren't any windows, for fear of the glass continuously shattering from newbie ninjas practicing, so the entrance was just ajar enough for a breeze to circulate. Once he was close enough, Kakashi could already tell she was up to something wearing based on the thuds, grunts and smacks coming from inside. 

"She certainly knows how to test herself-" Gai commented as he peered around the side of the door

I lined up the room with multiple practice dummies staggered throughout. Two in the middle, three on each side and a few hanging targets scattered across the ceiling. 

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now