Chapter 40

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Today was the 'graduation' day for the six year old children of the village from the preliminary academy. Yes, preliminary school. Before any child went to the ninja academy or a standard education academy, Konoha had preliminary school. It was the basics of education for all young minds, kindergarten and first grade curriculum basically. And once a student graduated, that's when they split off to one of the two academies.

That's why Kakashi stood at the end of the stage as the children walked across. Hokage Hatake and Principle Samari were there to support the newcomers to both the academies. And of course Kaori had been brimming with excitement as she waited to get through and see her daddy. Her teacher had learned enough sign language to sign her name to her as he spoke aloud to us. 

She ran onto the stage, completely abandoning what they had practiced and went for Kakashi. The village was already well aware that his one public soft spot was her. He blushed and everyone awed as she ran head first into his legs for a hug.

 "She's growing too fast, Naruto. Make it stop!" I pleaded, tugging on his arm as Kaori went back across the platform, Kakashi holding her hand to get her there. Kakashi took her over to the preliminary academy director and her school teacher, taking her paperwork and shaking their hands for her while she carried on being her cute self. 

Naruto chuckled, shaking his head at me. "She's gotta grow up sometime." He teased, earning a scowl from me. 

"I hope your diaper years are the slowest" I muttered. I glanced over to baby Boruto in Hinata's arms and my scowl quickly disappeared. She was over talking to Ino, but even from a distance that baby just had to turn his chubby cheeks your way to make you go 'aw'. 

Naruto looked at me with a raised brow, seeing how quickly my attention got lost in babies. "Speaking of diapers..." Now I looked at him with a raised brow, wondering where this could be going. 

"Do I want to know?"

"Well, our anniversary is coming up and Hinata's been so busy and worn out with the baby, I was thinking about taking her away to a spa get-a-way to relax-"

"Of course we'll do it!" I cut him off.

"We'll do what now?" Kakashi came over with Kaori, now the one pulling him along by the hand. 

"Watch Boruto our anniversary weekend." 

"Really, us? I'm surprised you didn't ask Hinata's parents." Kakashi commented and I gave him a nudge in the ribs. He was not going to mess with my baby time. 

"I want it to be a surprise. If I tell them, they're going to spill the beans. Her father also does not like surprises. I do not want to hear an hour lecture from her father about proper planning and courtesy." 

"Yeah, Kakashi. Don't question the man that is willing to give me his baby for a whole weekend." I chided. Now they both looked at me with raised brows. "What! If you could see it as a woman sees it, you'd be excited for a weekend with those chubby cheeks! He is adorable!"

Naruto grinned proudly. "Thanks Keiko!"

"Don't get carried away there. I didn't call you adorable. Just your baby. Clearly he got all his good looks from Hinata." Naruto looked back at the clearly blond hair blue eyed Boruto, then back to me like I was crazy. I couldn't hold back laughing at my own joke at that point and he also chuckled. 

My laughter died as my gaze trailed off, landing on a group of kids still by the stage. Their parents stood close behind them, all respectable ninja of the village. Their kids were playing together, mock battling as ninja, one would pretend to karate chop and another would block. Those were most likely the kids that would end up going to the ninja academy.

The Sordid Tangles of Life-A Kakashi x Student OC StoryWhere stories live. Discover now