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Many years ago, Peter Quill was taken from earth and now 26 years later  he was in space with his best friend Nikolai. They had both meet through Yondu and had been best friends ever since, they had gone through everything together and planned to continue doing that in the future too. They have had their fights and their moments when they hated each other but they always became friends again. Right now they were on Morag, an abandoned planet. Nikolai was waiting in the spaceship while Peter did his thing, they had heard from Yondu that the orb that they were looking for now was worth a lot of money, so of course they were here before Yondu. Peter was right now searching for the mysterious orb, as he enters the cave where the orb is located, Peter puts on his Walkman and listen to "Come and Get Your Love" by Redbone, he starts dancing and singing along as he finds the orb, just he's about to take the orb he is intercepted by Korath and his henchmen

"Drop it!" screamed a man working for Roman, his name was Korath.

"Uh...hey" Is all Peter can say before Korath instructs his henchmen to grab Peter.

"Drop it, now!" said Korath once again.

"Hey, cool, man. No problem. " said Peter before he drops the orb just as the two henchman come closer to him with their guns pointed at him

"No problem at all" said Peter as Korath picks up the orb.

"How do you know about this?" asked Korath little shocked that he knew about the orb because nobody knew about it.

"I don't even know what that is. I'm just a junker, man. I was just...just checking stuff out." said Peter hoping that Korath doesn't notice that he is lying.

"You don't look like a junker. You're wearing Ravager garb!" said Korath angry.

This is just an outfit, man. Ninja Turtle, you better stop poking me." said Peter, the last part to Korath's henchmen who keep prodding him.

"What is your name?!" asked Korath.

"My name is Peter Quill, okay?Dude, chill out." said Peter.

"Move!" said Korath.

"Why?" asked Peter confused.

"Ronan may have questions for you" said Korath before turning to leave.

"Hey, you know what? There's another name you might know me by." said Peter making Korath stop and turn back to look at Peter "Star-Lord" says Peter like he's famous.

"Who?" asked Korath confused.

"Star-Lord, man. Legendary outlaw." said Peter making Korth shrug in confusion. "Guys?" said Peter looking at Korath's henchmen.

"Move!" said Korath and starts moving again.

"Oh, forget this." said Peter before he pulls out his guns and shoots the two henchmen and Korath before he picks up the orb as Korath rises and shoots at Peter who manages being hit, he falls to the ground and puts on his helmet, his boots become like rockets and he propels himself out of the cave, then he manages to get back to his ship where Nikolai is, he take off as Korath's henchen shoots at the ship. After escaping Korath and his men, he loses control over the ship but manages to pull it back up in time, just then a woman and Nikolai appears.

" Peter? What happened?" asked the Woman.

"Hey,uh...uh. I..." said Peter trying to remember her name.

"Bereet" said both Nikolai and the woman.

"Bereet! Look, I'm gonna be totally honest with you. I forgot you were here" said Peter looking at Nikolai in the corner of his eye before looking back at Bereet who looks at him in shock.

Later when they are traveling away from Morag, Peter watches the news on the monitor with Nikolai standing beside him and Bereet sitting with the table behind them.

"So did you get the orb?" asked Nikolai making Peter look at him.

"Of course, who do you think I am" said Peter with a smirk, making Nikolai chuckle.

"Peter, you have a call" said Bereet and presses the screen to answer the call.

"No, wait, don't!" said Peter before Yondu comes up on the monitor.

"Quill? Niko?" asked Yondu.

"Hey, Yondu" said Nikolai.

"I'm here on Morag. Ain't no Orb, ain't no you and Niko" said Yondu irritated.

"Well, We were in the neighborhood. I thought I'd save you the hassle" said Peter.

"Well, where are you at now, boys?" asked Yondu.

"I feel really bad about this, but I'm not gonna tell you that" said Peter.

"I slaved putting this deal together..." said Yondu getting more and more angry.

"Slaved? Making a few calls is "slaved"?" asked Nikolai

"And now you're gonna rip me off!" said Yondu almost screaming at them.

"I mean, really?" asked Peter.

"We do not do that to each other. We're Ravagers, we got a code." said Yondu.

"Yeah, and that code is "steal from everybody" said Peter.

"When I picked you up on Terra..." said Yondu a little quiet.

"Picked me up" said Peter.

"... these boys of mine wanted to eat you" said Yondu.

"Yeah?" said Peter.

"They ain't never tasted any Terran before. I stopped them. You're alive because of me! I will find you, I will..." said Yondu but he was interrupted with Peter ending the call.

"They wanted to eat me, what about you?" asked Peter looking at Nikolai kind off offended.

"Well, they didn't want to eat me because I'm hot" said Nikolai chuckling.

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