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Peter brings his arm filled with light away from the wall, so that he causes wave of light and rock around the interior of the hollow, flying to and knocking him aside. Yondu protects his face as dirt swirls in the wake of the Peter/Ego battle. Rocket, carrying Groot, flies back down beside him.

"Yondu! We're about to blow!" said Rocket.

"Get to the ship." said Yondu.

"Not without Quill." said Rocket.

"You gotta take care of the twig." said Yondu.

"Not without you." said Rocket.

"I ain't done nothing right my whole damn life, rat. You need to give me this." said Yondu.

Rocket, hesitantly, nods. He grabs some things from his bag. He hands them to Yondu.

"A space suit and an aero rig. I only have one of each." said Rocket.

Yondu nods. Rocket nods too. Rocket starts to go, but stops and looks at Yondu. He wants to say something, but he doesn't know what. Baby Groot does.

"I am Groot." said Groot.

"What's that?" asked Yondu looking confused.

"He says welcome to the frickin' Guardians of the Galaxy... only he didn't use 'frickin'" said Rocket.

"Bye, twig." said Yondu.

Groot waves. And Rocket flies up toward the surface. Rocket mutters to Groot.

"We're gonna need to have a discussion about your language" said Rocket.


Ego slams Quill back against a wall. Ego pulls the huge rocks away from the wall, flying them towards him and battering him there. Ego and Peter fly towards each other. Ego uses the light to bring rocks to his body, forming a giant avatar of himself. Peter brings yellow rocks to his body, forming a giant pacman. Ego's form flies into Pac-Man's mouth, so hard there's a sonic boom. They fall, tumbling, still striking one another on the way down. They land hard.


The timer counts down. A minute left.


Gamora and Nebula are caring for Mantis as Rocket and Groot arrive.

"Where's Peter?" asked Nikolai coming up to them.

Rocket doesn't answer. Or he can't answer.

"Rocket, where is he?!" asked Nikolai with a louder and harder voice.

Rocket looks down at a timer in his hand. The time is almost there.

"Rocket?! Rocket, look at me! Where is he?!" asked Nikolai.

Rocket just shakes his head a little. But Groot points sadly outside.

"I'm not leaving without him." said Nikolai as he hardens.

He stands and snatches a rifle off the wall. He cocks it and starts walking out the bay door. When an electrical blast hits him from behind. He falls over, unconscious, revealing Rocket with his gun.

"I'm sorry. I can only afford to lose one friend today." said Rocket.

"Kraglin, GO!" said Rocket into the comm.


Drax looks uncertain as Kraglin presses thrust.

"Wait. Is Quill back?" asked Drax before asking into the comm. "Rocket, where's Quill?!"


Rocket looks sadly out the bay door as it closes, Drax's voice echoes on his comm.

"Where's Quill?! WHERE'S QUILL?!" asked Drax with a loud voice.


Quill and Ego are exhausted, on their knees and leaning against one another like boxers after too many rounds.


The timer reads 00:26 seconds


Ego reaches for the core.

"No, we need to stop it!" said Ego.

Quill throws him to the ground. But Ego comes back up,grasping his son's jacket, pleading with him now.

"Listen to me! You are a god! If you kill me, you'll just be like everyone else!" said Ego.

"What's so wrong with that?" said Peter making Ego looks at his son, scared.


The countdown reaches zero. The brain explodes. The explosion causes the life forces to bursts through the entire planet. Everything around Peter is exploding. He looks down at his hands, where the glow fades and disappears. He gazes up at the mammoth walls around him as they blows up and collapse. He lowers at head, at peace with the death that's coming, when, from the side, through the debris. Yondu is flying towards him on an aero-rig. Yondu grabs him, almost a tackle, really, lifting him up and flying away.


As Yondu and Peter fly upwards, the planet explodes behind them, flames licking their heels, huge stretches of the planet caving in.


Yondu holds a surprised Peter as they soar up into the sky.

"He may have been your father, boy.But he wasn't your daddy" said Yondu.

"What?" said Peter.

"I'm sorry I didn't do it right. I'm damn lucky you're my boy" said Yondu making Peter touched.

Yondu slaps the spacesuit disk onto Peter, the shimmers heat covers him.

"What?" asked Peter.

Yondu breathes out as completely as he can, emptying his lungs. And they exit the planet's atmosphere, bursting into outer space. Peter struggles to get free, but Yondu holds him there, trapping him, but it is also an embrace. The entire planet is collapsing behind them.

"Yondu, you can't! What are you doing? What are you doing?!" said Peter-

Yondu's jet pack expires its supply of fuel, and they stop there, in space, floating. Yondu's grip weakens. Peter turns to face him.

"Yondu. Yondu, no!" said Peter.

Yondu grabs his son's face with both hands, looking and touching him with love.

"No" said Peter.

Yondu's face expands and his body goes limp and as he dies there. And he starts to drift away. Peter grabs onto his shirt. He is crying.

"No!" said Peter.

And, suddenly, behind Quill, Rocket and Drax propel themselves toward him in aero-rigs, grabbing him.

The Secret Lover • Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now