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Peter lies in bed, unable to sleep, listening to a song.

"You alright, son?" asked Ego making Peter turn and see Ego in the doorway.

"I saw your guy stomp off earlier in quite a huff." said Ego.

Peter sits up, nods.

"Yeah." said Peter as Ego sits beside him.

  "It's fortuitous you're listening to this song." said Ego.

"You know - ?" said Peter.

"'Brandy' by Looking Glass. A favorite of your mom's." said Ego.

  "Yes." said Peter.

  "One of earth's greatest musical compositions. Perhaps it's very greatest" said Ego.

  "Yeah, it is." said Peter.

"You and I, Peter, we're the sail orin the song" said Ego.

Ego speaks along with the lyrics as they play.

"He came on a summer's day, bringing gifts from far away - like the child I put in your mother, or the freedom you brought Nikolai." said Ego.

"Brandy, you're a fine girl, what a good wife you would be. But my life, my love, my lady is the sea. The sea calls the sailor back. He loves the girl, but that's not his place. The sea calls upon him as history calls upon great men, and sometimes we are deprived the pleasures of mortals. " said Ego.

"Well, you might not be mortal, but me" said Peter.

"Death will remain a stranger to both of us as long as the light burns within the planet." said Ego and smiles.

"I'm immortal? That's... really?" asked Peter.

"Yes, as long as the light exists." said Ego.

"And I can use the light to make cool things? Like how you made all this?" said Peter.

"It'll take thousands of years of practice before you get really good at it . But, yes." said Ego.

"Well, get ready for an eight hundred foot statue of Pac Man,then. With Skeletor. And HeatherLocklear. I'm gonna make some weirdshit." said Peter as Ego puts his arm around him, smiles kindly.

"I can't wait to see your weirdshit." said Ego.

  "Wow, that..." said Peter.

  "Came out a little disgusting." said Ego making them chuckle.

"It is a tremendous responsibility, Peter. Only we can remake the universe. Only we can take the bridle of the cosmos and lead it where it needs to go." said Ego.

"How?" asked Peter.

Ego holds up his fingers, letting forth a flame of white cosmic light. Quill holds up his fingers, letting forth a smaller, less intense flame of white cosmic light. Mantis was standing in the hallway around the corner, looking at Ego and Peter and the light emanating from their fingers.

"Come with me." said Ego making Mantis look like she's having a panic attack.


In Drax sleeping quarters he was sound asleep.

"Drax! Drax!" said Mantis as she came running into his room.

He wakes to see a panicked Mantis sitting on the bed beside him.

"Drax, we need to talk" said Mantis.

"Ugh. I am sorry, but I like a woman with some meat on her bones." said Drax.

"What?" asked Mantis.

The Secret Lover • Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now