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Through the window to the palace Gamora watching as Nikolai's transmitter, the one she was trying to contact Rocket on, BEEPS. She answers.

GAMORA "Rocket?!" asked Gamora.

Gamora follows Drax, Nikolai, Nebula, and a confused Mantis as they move out.


Rocket, Yondu, and Groot are crawling into a huge laser drill.

"Keep that transmitter nearby so I can find you. We're in an old piece of construction equipment" said Yondu.

Yondu once used to slice open the Bank of A'askavaria.

"Ego's unhinged" said Gamora.

"I know. Get ready." said Rocket.

"Drop it, Kraglin" said Yondu.


Kraglin yanks a lever. An ugly, bulbous and uneven craft plops from the Quadrant, and heads toward Ego's surface.

"I got a plan." said Rocket.

"What is it?" asked Yondu.

"It's pretty simple." said Rocket.


Ego walks calmly up beside the trapped Peter. He snatches the Walkman off of him. He stares at it. Peter can barely speak.

"NO." said Peter.

Ego presses play and a distorted version of "Brandy" plays. He stares at it, perhaps he's feeling wistful sadness, or perhaps nothing at all. 'Brandy, you're a fine girl. What a good wife you would be.'

"'My life, my love, my lady is the sea'? Peter," said Ego.

This is the sea. Ego crushes the walkman in his grip as Peter watches helplessly. The power surges from Peter through the tentacle and throughout the entire palace. As Gamora, Nikolai, Mantis, Drax, and Nebula run toward the Palace it bursts with cosmic light, so brightly they have to protect their eyes. Ego basks in the power


The energy through the surface of the planet through veins of light beneath. And into an enormous, metal orb, the self chamber, which explodes with light.


The small plant, now a bit larger, that Ego planted at the very beginning. It lights up and grows,instantly bursting upwards. The plant bursts up behind the Dairy Queen,a huge organic, blob-like mass of light that comes down instantly on the building, crushing it and everyone inside and continuing to spill forward, spreading.


Ego summons all his energy, when, suddenly, a door beside him smashes apart. Drax has kicked through it and Nikolai, Gamora, Nebula and Mantis are with him. Ego turns to see them, then hears a rumbling above him. He turns to look at a window on the palace wall behind him. And the giant laser drill comes smashing through the palace wall.

"Hey there, Jackass." said Yondu making Ego look surprised.

The laser drill lands on Ego,squashing him. The tendril retracts from Peter as he falls and heaves forbreath.


The cosmic plant, barreling down the street, suddenly stops.


Drax, Gamora, Nikolai, Nebula, and Mantis rush into the crumbling palace. The door on the side of the Laser Drill slides open. Baby Groot is standing there, smiling, and waving.

"Out of the way, dumber, smaller " said Drax to Groot.

As Drax crawls in, Groot starts punching Drax as hard as he can. Probably because he called him dumb, but who's to say. Nikolai helps Peter up.

"I told you something didn't feel right." said Nikolai.

"'I told you so.' That's really what I need right now." said Peter.

"I came back, didn't I?" said Nikolai.

"Because there's an unspoken thing." said Peter.

"There is no unspoken thing." said Nikolai giving Peter a small kiss on his lips. Making Peter look at him shocked but a smile comes on his face.

Drax, Mantis, Gamora, Nikolai, and Peter step inside the door.

"What are you doing? You could have killed us all crashing in here like that!" said Drax.

"Uh, 'Thank you, Rocket'?" said Rocket.

"We had it under control." said Drax.

"We did not. That is only an extension of his true self. He will be back soon." said Mantis.

"What's Smurfette doing here!?" asked Peter looking at Nebula.

"Back rubs, dishes, killing gods, whatever I need to do to get a damn ride home." said Nebula.

"She tried to murder me!" said Rocket.

"I saved you, you stupid fox." said Nebula.

"He's not a fox." said Nikolai.

"I am Groot." said Groot.

"I'm not a raboon either!" said Rocket.

"I am Groot." said Groot.

"'Raccoon,' whatever!" said Rocket.

Drax looks out the window. Like strands burst up through the palace flooring all around the drill. Drax turns to the others.

"How do we kill a Celestial?" asked Drax.

"There's the center to him - his brain, his soul, whatever it is, in some sort of shell" said Peter.

"It's in the caverns below the surface." said Mantis.

Peter climbs up the ladder to see.

"YONDU?" said Peter.

Nebula looks at Gamora.

"If he's got that fin back, I am so screwed." said Nebula.

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