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"I can barely see. " said Drax into the darkness.

Groot releases glowing particles from his body to light their way.

"When did you learn to do that?" asked Nikolai.

"I'm pretty sure the answer is "I am Groot."" said Peter.

"The flight deck is three hundred meters this way." said Gamora.

"I want you all to know that I am grateful for your acceptance after my blunders. It is pleasing to once again have friends. You, Quill, are my friend." said Drax.

"Thanks." said Peter.

"And this man with powers, he is my friend too" said Drax.

"Thanks, I think" said Nikolai.

"This dumb tree, he is my friend" said Drax.

"Mmm." said Groot.

"And this green whore, she, too..." said Drax.

"Oh, you must stop!" said Gamora.

Nebula intercepts their progress across the Dark Astor

"Gamora, look at what you have done. You have always been weak. You stupid, traitorous... " said Nebula as Drax suddenly a fires a shot at Nebula sending her flying off.

"Nobody talks to my friends like that." said Drax.

"Head to the flight deck. I'll shut down the power to the security doors." said Gamora.

Back down on Xandar after crash landing his ship, Yondu is surrounded by Ronan's army.

"Yondu Udonta. Order your men to turn on the Nova Corps. " said Maskless Sakaaran.

Yondu starts whistling which activates his arrow weapon to start floating up.

"Enough nonsense, Ravager! Time to die... " said Maskless Sakaaran.

Yondu whistles again setting of his arrow which kills the entire platoon. Gamora comes across Nebula as she rises pulling her cracked bones into place.

"Nebula, please." said Gamora.

Gamora and Nebula start battling it out as Gamora tries to shut down the power to the security doors.

"Enough of this. Necrocraft pilots, enact immolation initiative." said Ronan.

"They're dive-bombing the city! Denarian Saal, should we break formation?" said a Nova Pilot.

"No! Hold your positions!" said Denarian Saal.

Ronan's ships start attacking Xandar.

"Keep Ronan up there, Saal. We'll take care of the people down here." said Rocket.

"I can't believe I'm taking orders from a hamster." said Denarian Saal.

Back on the Dark Astor Peter and the rest of the group are intercepted by Korath and Ronan's crew.

"Star-lord." said Korath.

"He remembers your name Peter." said Nikolai.

"Finally." said Peter.

They all start battling it out.

"You thief!" said Korath as everyone is battling it out, Korath throws Drax aside.

"You will never make it to Ronan." said Korath.

On Xandar; ordering Yondu's men is Rocket.

"Everybody shoot them before they hit the ground." said Rocket.

Rocket and Yondu's men start shooting at Ronan's men in their ships; back on Dark Astor Gamora and Nebula continue to battle it out.

"Come on!" said Gamora.

At the same time Peter and the rest of the group continue their battle with Korath and Ronan's crew, Drax manages to grab of hold of Korath and starts taking out part of his head.

"Finger to the throat means death." said Drax as he kills Korath and Peter and Nikolai walks over to Drax.

"Metaphor." said Drax.

"Yeah, sorta" said Nikolai.

Suddenly more of Ronan's crew come after them.

" Oh, no." said Peter.

Groot saves them by skewering a bunch of the goons, then whipping them around to take out the rest, after which he turns to Peter, Nikolai and Drax and smiles on the Dark Astor Ronan gives a speech which is heard back at Nova Corps headquarters.

"Xandar, you stand accused. Your wretched peace treaty will not save you now. It is the tinder on which you burn!" said Ronan as he activates the Infinity Stone which sets off burning a fire through the Dark Astor and destroying the Nova Corps ships that are attacking including Saal's ship.

"Rocket!" said Denarian Saal.

"Hold on, Saal, just..." said Rocket.

Rocket watches as the fire destroys Saal's ship and the other Nova Corps ships.

"Quill, you gotta hurry. The city's been evacuated, but we're getting our asses kicked down here." said Rocket.

Back on the Dark Astor, Peter continues to fight off Ronan's men as he makes his way to the bridge.

"Gamora hasn't opened the door!" said Peter.

Gamora and Nebula continue to battle it out, Gamora manages to kick Nebula which throws her off the side of the ship, her arm catches something and she hangs off the edge, Gamora goes to help her.

"Nebula! Sister, help us fight Ronan. You know he's crazy!" said Gamora.

"I know you're both crazy" said Nebula.

Nebula cuts off her own hand falls

"No!" screamed Gamora.

Nebula lands on a Ravager ship and smashes the window.

"What the...?" said Ravager Pilot.

"Get out!" said Nebula as she throws the Ravager pilot off the ship.

Gamora opens the bridge's door and she along with Peter, Drax and Groot enter and Peter shoots Ronan with Rocket's super cannon.

"You did it!" said Drax as Ronan suddenly rises and uses the power of his warhammer to throw the group aside, Drax rushes towards Ronan but Ronan grabs him by the throat and holds him up.

"I was mistaken, I do remember your family. Their screams were pitiful. I... " said Ronan as Rocket crashes the Milano into the bridge and seemingly destroys Ronan, the group then huddles together as the ship starts to plummet, Groot forms a giant nest around the group to keep them shielded.

"No, groot! You can't, you'll die. Why are you doing this? Why?" said Rocket.

"We are Groot." said Groot as the ship then crashes.

The Secret Lover • Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now