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"If we're gonna get out of here, we're gonna need to get into that watchtower. And to do that I'm gonna need a few things. The guards wear security bands to control their ins and outs. I need one." said Rocket.

"Leave it to me." said Gamora.

"That dude, there. I need his prosthetic leg" said Rocket, referring to the prisoner with a prosthetic leg walking by them.

"His leg?" asked Nikolai confused.

"Yeah. God knows I don't need the rest of him. Look at him, he's useless." said Rocket.

"Alright." said Peter.

"And finally, on the wall back there is a black panel. "Blinky yellow light. Do you see it?" asked Rocket, Peter and Nikolai turns to look at it.

"Yeah" said Peter and Nikolai who nodded.

"There's a quarnyx battery behind it. Purplish box, green wires. To get into that watchtower, I definitely need it." said Rocket.

"How are we supposed to do that?" asked Gamora.

"Well, supposably, these bald-bodies find you and Nikolai attractive. So, maybe you guys can work out some sort of trade." said Rocket making Peter's head snap to him before looking at Nikolai who was eating.

"You must be joking." said Gamora.

"No, I really heard they find you and Nikolai attractive." said Rocket.

"Look, it's twenty feet up in the air, and it's in the middle of the most heavily-guarded part of the prison. It's impossible to get up there without being seen." said Peter referring to the prison black panel containing the battery Rocket wants and was trying to change the subject.

" I got one plan, and that plan requires a frickin' quarnyx battery, so figure it out! Can I get back to it? Thanks." said Rocket.

In the background, Groot trying to grab the black panel that Rocket wanted

"Now, this is important. Once the battery is removed, everything is gonna slam into emergency mode. Once we have it, we gotta move quickly, so you definitely need to get that last." said Rocket as Groot cutting off the black panel wire which then makes the alarm go off. "Or we could just get it first and improvise." said Rocket.

"I'll get the armband." said Gamora.

"Leg." said Peter pulling Nikolai with him.

Peter and Gamora go off leaving Rocket looking frustrated. After the alarm goes off the prison security droids surround Groot.

"Prisoner, drop the device immediately and retreat to your cell, or we will open fire." said a Watchtower Guard.

"I am Groot!" said Groot.

"Fire!" said a Watchtower Guard.

As the security droids start firing at Groot he lashes out at them.

"All prisoners return to your sleeping areas".

Rocket races over to Groot climbs onto his shoulder.

"You idiot! How am I supposed to fight these things without my stuff?" said Rocket.

Drax watches as the guards try to capture Groot.

"The animal is in control. Fire on my command!" said the Prison Guard.

As they go to shoot at Groot Drax attacks them, knocks them down and takes one of their weapons.

"Creepy little beast!" said Drax as he throws the gun at Rocket, who catches it.

"Oh, yeah." said Rocket as he starts firing at the guards.

The Secret Lover • Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now