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Yondu's body lies on a plank here, Various colored cloths are laid in strips over his body and face, yaro lilies beneath him, red-fired pyres and Yondu's toys all around. Rocket, Nikolai, Groot, Drax, Gamora, Mantis, and Kraglin surround the table. Peter is at the head. He has to say a few words. But it is not easy.

"The other day I told Nikolai how I used to pretend my dad was David Hasselhoff " said Peter.

Rocket and Drax exchange a look.

"He's a singer and actor from earth... a really famous guy." said Peter making Drax nod.

"And, you know, today it struck me. Yondu didn't have a talking car, but he did have a flying arrow. And he didn't have the voice of an angel, but he did have the whistle of one. And both David Hasselhoff and Yondu went on kickass adventures, and hooked up with hot women, and fought robots. So, the thing is, David Hasselhoff kinda did end up being my Dad after all, only he was Yondu. I had a pretty cool Dad." said Peter as he starts to break down. "And what I'm trying to say here is, that thing you're searching for your whole life, sometimes it's right there by your side all along and you don't even know it." said Peter.

Gamora sees Nebula, watching from a darkened doorway, before she turns and walks away. She moves after her. Groot looks up at an upset Rocket.

"I am Groot?" asked Groot.

"Yeah. That's the friend I was talking about" said Rocket.

"I am Groot." said Groot.

"He did call you 'twig.'" said Rocket.


Gamora catches up to Nebula in the hall.

"Nebula." said Gamora making Nebula turn toward her, but she doesn't look her in the eye.

"I was just a child. Like you. I was concerned with staying alive until the next day, every day. And I never considered what Thanos was doing to you. I am sorry." said Gamora making Nebula nod. "I'm trying to make it right, everything I did."

"There are little girls like you were - little boys - all over the universe - who are in danger. You can stay with us, and help them. " said Peter.

"I'll help them by killing Thanos." said Nebula.

"I don't know if that's possible" said Gamora.

Nebula shrug, maybe. She turns to leave. But Gamora grabs her, perhaps too roughly. Nebula turns, ready to snap. And Gamora embraces her. Nebula does not know how to react.

"You'll always be my sister." Said Gamora.

Tears well in Nebula's eyes and, for just a moment, she embraces her sister back with one hand...Before pushing her away and leaving.


The Guardians lift Yondu on the plank. A bulbous and rusty crematory is at the center of the room. It doesn't burn with fire, but a swirling, vibrant cosmic energy. They slide Yondu in as they watch with sadness and respect as his body is enveloped by the sparkling colors. Peter closes the door on the crematory. As Peter moves away, Kraglin approaches.

"Pete." Said Kraglin.

Peter turns toward him. He's holding something.

"Cap'n found this for you in a junker shop. Said someday you'd come back to the fold." Said Kraglin.

Kraglin puts an MP3 player in his hand.

"It's called a Zune - what everyone listens to on earth nowadays. It's got three hundred songs." Said Kraglin making Peter nod, feeling touched.

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