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Yondu thrusts the ship upward for take off. But tentacles Swap around the ship. And yank it back down into the floor, destroying the foundation of the palace. The entire palace slopes. Everyone falls forward.

"Thrusters are out!" said Yondu.

Peter starts rewiring the mechanics.

"I guess I should be glad I was a skinny kid. Otherwise you would have delivered me to this maniac!" said Peter.

"You still reckon that's the reason I kept you and Nikolai around, you idiot?!" said Yondu

"That's what you told me, you old doofus!" said Peter.

"Once I figured out what happened to them other kids, I wasn't gonna just hand you over." said Yondu.

"You said you were gonna eat me!" said Peter.

"You probably couldn't feed any one!" said Nikolai.

"That was being funny!" said Yondu.

"Not to me!!" said Peter.

"You people have issues." said Rocket

Peter sees through the windshield where Ego's creepy skeletal is growing in front of them.

"Of course I have issues that's myfricking father!!... " said Peter,

Thrusters are back up. Peter thrusts the ship forward instead of up.It crashes through Ego and down the sloping floor and out through the giant pane of glass at the end.


Everyone holds on in what's essentially the worst roller coaster drop ever.

"We should be going up!" said Yondu.

"We can't. Ego wants to eradicate the universe as we know it. We have to kill him.They plummet toward a fissure in the earth below. It's too small for the ship." said Peter.

"Rocket!" said Peter.

"Got it" said Rocket.

Rocket blasts the lasers perfectly,chipping away pieces of rock, forming an opening in the crack. They smash into the opening, barely fitting, leading down into the planet. Peter flies perfectly, twisting through tunnels and around corners. Rocket mans the lasers, blasting pieces out of place just in time so they can scrape through.

"So, we're saving the galaxy again?" asked Rocket.

"I guess." said Peter.

"Yay" said Nikolai quietly.

"Awesome. We'll really be able to jack up our prices if we're two time-galaxy savers." said Rocket.

"I seriously can't believe that is where your mind goes." said Peter.

"It was just a random thought, man!I thought we were friends!" said Rocket.

"Of course I care about the planets,and the buildings, and all of the animals on the planets." said Nikolai.

"And the people." said Peter.

"Meh." said Rocket.

Mantis giggles.

"The crabby puppy is so cute he makes me want to die!" said Mantis.

"Your suicidal thoughts sadden me,but your wish will likely come true." said Drax.


Meanwhile, Kraglin is mellowly hanging out, eating some soup and listening to "WHAM BAM" BY SILVER as he sees something out in the distance of space. He looks a bit closer. Sovereign overeign omnicraft are popping through jump points above Ego's planet.


Ayesha is remotely piloting one of the ships. She looks determined and angry on the vid-screen. And, one by one, Sovereign omnicraft pop in all around her, until there is a large fleet. Ayesha, in full pilot gear, yells into her comm.

"Pilots, release envoy units!" said Ayesha.

Smaller, more nimble robotic envoys, like big pods with blasters for arms, detach from the front of every Omnicraft.

"Our sensors detect the batteries are below the surface of the planet." said Ayesha.


Kraglin, in shock, watches the massive fleet of envoys diving downward. He grabs the comm.

"Uhh... Cap'n?" asked Kraglin.

But he gets no answer.

"Cap'n?" said Kraglin.


Yondu doesn't hear the crackling speaker beside him as they maneuver down through the fissure. Peter eyes him.

"So why'd Ego want you here?" asked Yondu.

"He needs my genetic connection to the light to help destroy the universe. He tried to teach me how to control the power." said Peter.

"So could you?" asked Yondu.

"A little. I made a ball." said peter.

"A ball?" asked Nikolai, both him and Yondu looked at each other and was thinking the same thing.

"I thought as hard as a could, that's all I could come up with." said Peter.

"You 'thought'?" asked Yondu making Peter nod.

"You think when I make this arrowfly I use my head?" said Yondu.

"What do you use?" asked Peter.

They look at each other instead of where they're going, and the crash into an over hanging piece of rock. The entire side door is ripped off. As the screech through a smaller space and into planets hollow. The Laser Drill drops into this enormous open space within the planet. The Guardians gather on the side of the ship open to the hollow, gazing out at its stunning beauty, lit by Ego's white glow running throughout it.

"Whoa" said Gamora.

Mantis turns, looking through the portholes on the other side.

"There! Thats Ego's core." said Mantis as she points at the Self Chamber, down below them.

They twist down towards it.

"That ore's thick. Rocket, we're gonna need to use the big laser." said Nikolai looking at Rocket making him nod and flicks switches

All the small lasers on the sides move through grooves to combine into one huge laser in the center of the ship, the MEGA-LASER.

"We must hurry. It will not take Ego long to find us." said Mantis.

"Keep it still!" said Rocket.

Peter steadies the craft as best he can beside the Self Chamber. But it's an unwieldy beast, built for power, not precision. Rocket powers up the mega-laser and holds tight to the shuddering controls as it drills, burning a hole into the protective sheate. It melts and drips down

"We drill into the center, we kill him." said Peter.

Peter holds tight to the steering wheel. Yondu notices the blinking light on the comm. He taps it.

"What is it, Kraglin?" asked Yondu.

"Um, remember that Ayesha chick?" asked Kraglin.

"Yeah, why?" said Yondu.

Yondu looks out the window where Ayesha's squadron is swooping out of the cracks in the ceiling all around them.

"Aw, hell." said Yondu.

Peter pulls away from the envoys .But the Sovereign envoys start blasting at the craft all at once, the laser loses power and the vehicle turns sideways.

Drax, Mantis, and Gamora go tumbling from the hole in the side. Nebula and Groot grab onto the floor.


Gamora, Drax, and Mantis fall from an incredible height. The land pretty hard on the ground. Gamora looks up and sees the Laser Drill curl behind the Self Chamber as it tries to avoid the envoys' blasters.

The Secret Lover • Peter Quill (Guardians of the Galaxy) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now