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"Mr. Quill and Nikolai" said the Broker.

"Broker. The orb" said Peter as he places the orb on the counter in front of the Broker. "As commissioned"

"Where's Yondu?" Asked the Broker.

"Wanted to be here, sends his love. And told me to tell you, that you got the best eyebrows in the business" said Peter as the Broker picks up the orb. "What is it?"

"It's my policy never to discuss my clients, or their needs" said the Broker.

"Yeah, well, I almost died getting it for you" said Peter

"An occupational hazard, I'm sure, in your line of work." said the Broker.

"Some machine-headed freak, working for a dude named Ronan" said Peter making the Broker suddenly look afraid.

"Ronan? I'm sorry, Mr. Quill, Nickolai. I truly am. But I want no part of this transaction if Ronan is involved" said the Broker before giving the orb back to eter and starts pushing the two towards his shop's door.

"Who! Who,who,who! Who's Ronan" asked Peter.

"A Kree fanatic, outraged by the peace treaty, who will not rest until Xandarian culture, my culture, is wiped from existence!" said the Broker before pushing them again.

"Come on!" said Nikolai.

"He's someone whose bad side I'd rather not be on." said the Broker.

"What? What about my bad side?" asked Peter as the Broker opens his shop door and pushes them out.

"Peter, nobody cares about your bad side" said Nikolai making Peter look at him with a small glare.

"Farewell"  said the Broker before closing the door in their faces.

"Hey, we had a deal, bro!" screamed Peter to the Broker through is closed shop door.

Peter and Nikolai steps back before they notice a green skinned female who's name was Gamora standing nearby watching them.

"What happened?" asked Gamora.

"Uh...this guy just backed out of a deal on me. If there's one thing I hate, it's a man without integrity. Peter Quill and this is Nikolai. People call me Star-Lord" said Peter.

"Nobody calls you Star-Lord, dumbass" said Nikolai making Gamora look at him like she had seen him somewhere before looking at Peter again.

"You have the bearing of a man of a honor" said Peter and starts to playfully throw the orb up and down in his hand.

"Well, you know, I wouldn't say that. People say it about me, all the time, but it's not something I would ever say about myself" said Peter but suddenly Gamora grbs the orb and kicks Peter in the stomach and runs off. Nikolai throws something like a magnetic rope which catches around Gamora's legs and trips her up, as she gets the rope off her legs Peter catches up to her but Gamora manages to kick him off and starts punching him, she holds up her knife and is ready to stab him.

"This wasn't the plan" said Gamora as she's about to stab Peter, Rocket jumps onto her and knocks her down.

" Put him in the bag. Put him in the bag!" said Rocket as Groot extends his roots and goes to grab Gamora "No! Not her, him! Learn genders, man." said Rocket as he struggles with Gamora, she tries to bite him. "Biting? That's not fair!" said Rocket who is fighting with Gamora, Peter uses this opportunity to grab the orb and runs off. "Take it easy!" said Rocket as Gamora manages to free herself from Rocket and Groot's clutches, she throws Rocket aside, picks up a piece of metal and throws it at Peter' hand making him drop the orb, she grabs and as she runs off Peter jumps on to her and knocks her down but Gamora overpowers him  again and hold Peter down.

"Fool. You should have learned." said Gamora.

"I don't learn. One of my issues." said Peter as he grabs the orb from her hand and attaches a small rocket launcher on Gamora and sets it off throwing Gamora aside, thinking he's in the clear, he throws the orb to Nikolai before a Groot places a bag over Peter's head. "What the..." said Peter as Groot starts to carry Peter in the bag over his shoulder.

" Quit smiling, you idiot. You're supposed to be a professional." said Rocket just as he sees Gamora coming towards them. " You gotta be kidding me" She pushes Rocket aside and starts fighting Groot, cutting off his arms, as she opens the bad Peter suddenly uses his gun to electrocute her and runs off, Rocket gets out his gun and aims it at Peter and Nikolai. " I live for the simple things. Like how much this is gonna hurt." Rocket shoots his gun which shoots a ball of electricity at Peter and Nikolai giving them an electric shock. "Yeah. Writhe, little men." he looks at Groot who is looking sadly as his severed arms."It'll grow back, you D'ast idiot. Quit whining." Just than they are captured by The Nova Corps.

"Subject 89P13, drop your weapons." said the Nova Corps.

"Oh,crap" said Rocket and reluctantly drops his weapon

"Alright. Come on up." said Corpsman Dey Peter as he recognizes him.

"Hey! If it isn't Star-Prince and his sidekick Nikolai" said Corpsman Dey

" Star-Lord" said Nikolai making Peter smile at him.

" Oh, sorry. Lord." said Corpsman Dey looking at his partner before saying. "I picked this guy up a while back for petty theft. He's got a code name.."

"Come on, man. It's's an outlaw name." said Peter.

"Just relax, pal. It's cool to have a code name. It's not that weird." said Corpsman Dey

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