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On Yondu's ship, Yondu is beating Peter who's being held by Yondu's men.

"You betrayed me! Steal my money!" said Yondu.

"Stop it! Leave him alone!" said Gamora, trying to stop the fight.

"When I picked you up as a kid, these boys wanted to eat you. They ain't never tasted Terran before. I saved your life!" said Yondu.

"Oh, will you shut up about that? God! Twenty years, you've been throwing that in my face, like it's some great thing, not eating me! Normal people don't even think about eating someone else! Much less that person having to be grateful for it! You abducted me, man. You stole me from my home and from my family." said Peter.

" You don't give a damn about your Terra! You're scared because you're soft, in here" said Yondu as he beats on Peter's chest. "Here! Right here!" said Yondu as he grabs Peter again to hit him.

"Yondu! Listen to me! Ronan has something called an Infinity Stone." said Gamora.

"I know what he's got, girl." said Yondu.

"Then you know we must get it back! He's gonna use it to wipe out Xandar. We have to warn them. Billions of people will perish." said Gamora.

"Is that what she's been filling your head with, boy? Sentiment?" said Yondu as he slaps Peter and his men laughed. "Eating away your brain like maggots! That's it." said Yondu as he whistles commanding his weapon fly over to point at Peter's throat.

"No!" said Gamora

"Sorry, boy. But a captain's gotta teach his men what happens to those what cross him." said Yondu.

"Captain's gotta teach stuff!" said Kraglin as the others grunt in agreement.

"If you kill me now, you are saying goodbye to the biggest score you have ever seen. And you are also saying goodbye to Nico" said Peter, knowing that Nico was his weak spot.

Yondu smiled and turns to face Peter, ignoring the part Peter said about Nico.

"The Stone? I hope you got something better than that. Because ain't nobody stealing from Ronan." said Yondu

"We got a ringer." said Peter.

"Is that right?" asked Yondu.

"She knows everything there is to know about Ronan. His ships, his army." said Peter.

"He's vulnerable." said Yondu.

" Hey, what do you say, Yondu, huh? Me and you, taking down a mark side-by-side, like the old days. " said Peter.

Yondu hesitates as he thinks for a moment, then he whistles and his weapon moves from Peter's throat. Yondu and his men start to laugh and Peter joins in.

"Let him go! Oh! You always did have a scrote, boy! That's why I kept you on as a young'un" said Yondu just as the ship shakes as it gets hit by something.

"Captain, the shot was non-damaging." said a Ravager Pilot as everyone walks up to the window and see the Milano approaching Yondu's ship.

"Attention, idiots. The lunatic on top of this craft is holding a Hadron Enforcer. " said Rocket as Drax in a space suit  is standing on top of the Milano holding a weapon. "It's a weapon of my own design." said Rocket.

"What the hell?" said Yondu.

"If you don't hand over our companions now, he's gonna tear your ship a new one. A very big new one!" said Rocket.

"I ain't buyin' it." said Yondu.

" I'm giving you to the count of five. Five, four, three..." said Rocket just as Peter and Gamora stop Kraglin from giving the order to blow up the Milano.

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