Chapter 4

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Sunako came with Yuki to the host club and waited for him to change his clothes. She insisted that they should go home together because she was so scared while heading to the school alone today.

"Sunako, are you feeling okay, now? Because when we left you this morning, we thought you were sick." Yuki asked when they headed out of music room 3.

"I'm fine, never better."

When the others got home, their reaction is the same as with Yuki. She welcome them at the door and was smiling so nicely.

She was preparing dinner at the kitchen wearing a fancy Victorian dressed just like the one Yuki wore at the game. While she was at it, the guys were peeking from the kitchen door.

"What happened to her?" Ranmaru whispered.

Kyohei leaned away and crossed his hands behind his head. "What happened doesn't matter. What matters now is that she's a lady and we're getting free rent."

Takenaga shushed him. "This is far from rational thinking but could she possibly have eaten something that changed her into that?"

Ranmaru's eyebrows scrunched together. "The only weird thing we ate last night were mushrooms but those were still really tasty. It just looked weird because it's pink." He noted.

"Could that be it?" Yuki guessed.

"Princess mushrooms." Takenaga read from his laptop. "This type increased amount of certain hormones that exude Princess-like behaviours. Thus, it only affects females... this could explain why she's like that."

They all turned to her as she gracefully placed dinner on the table.

"Everyone, dinner's ready." She called and they all stood up feeling a bit embarrassed that this fine lady has just prepared them dinner except for Kyohei who joyously took his seat.

"Uhm, didn't you like it? Did it not suit your taste?" Sunako, teary eyed, asked as she saw all of them seeming to want to puke after they took their first spoonful of the food she prepared.

The four looked at each other; panic in their eyes.

"Ah no, it's not that!" Yuki started. "We were just surprised of the taste, that's all. But it's delicious, right Kyohei? I bet he could finish this all just like he always does."

Kyohei glared at him.

"Really? I'm relieved then. Let's eat!" Sunako served herself and started eating finely.

Sunako has retreated to her room which she transformed completely back to normal. Yuki found her horror stuffs in a box near the trash the next day. Feeling sad that what seemed to be so precious to the old Sunako is now being thrown away, he picked them up and carried it inside. He met Kyohei in the hallway.

"What's that?"

"Sunako's horror stuffs. I found them outside."

"She threw them?" Kyohei couldn't believe it. "You're keeping those?"

Yuki winced. "I'm not sure. These things in my room will scare me."

Kyohei then suddenly took the box from him. "I'll keep them."

Just then, they heard Sunako call them for breakfast. Before, every time she calls them to eat, he would go running but now, he would just groan remembering that awful dinner last night.

"You go on ahead. I'll just bring these to my room." He said to Yuki who has the same expression as him. On his way, he passed by her room. She left it slightly open and he took a peek inside. It looked so different for everyone who lives in the mansion but normal to usual people. He shrugged and continued on to his room, thinking if he should eat the food she prepared or not.

Kyohei walked around the living room for minutes now. He's trying to think of ways on how to turn Sunako back to her normal self. He stopped and turned to Takenaga who is just sitting at the sofa with the others.

"Didn't it say there about until when she'd be like that?"

Takenaga shrugged. "No, it didn't."

Yuki thought of something. "What if it's like in the stories- in the fairy tales I  read to my sister. One of the common things that could change someone is a true love's kiss usually from a prince."

"Pfft. Yuki, you're such a cute girl." Kyohei teased. Yuki hit his shoulder.

"But I like that idea. I can do that." Ranmaru looked up as if imagining it and then smiled. "It will be sweet."

"Shut up, Ranmaru."

"There you go again, Yuki. I bet you want Kyohei to be that 'prince' who gives the kiss."

"What?!" Kyohei reacted strongly.

Takenaga was listening and thought it probable. "But why do we have to turn her back? This is the chance for us especially for you, Kyohei."

"The food." Kyohei said thoughtfully. "I've been eating instant food since yesterday because I don't want to eat the food she's serving and it's killing me."

"What kills you: the instant food or the guilt of not appreciating her effort of preparing food for us?"

Kyohei felt incredulous. "What guilt? The instant food of course!"

"She's even preparing dinner for tonight. Are you still not going to eat?"

He hesitated but then nodded eventually. "Unlike you, I can't bear it. I wouldn't mind her not becoming a lady for now unless she can prepare the same food as before."

"You miss the old Sunako." Ranmaru teased.

"Yes, ah No! Just the food."

Yuki coughed. "She's also not being real to herself. She even forgot why she turned gloomy and what happened after that until the day she ate those mushrooms. She forgot her experiences with us. It's so sad."

Takenaga nodded to their reasons and decided to tell them of the solution he has thought of . They huddled together as he discussed it.

"Wow, that's a great idea unlike that true love's kiss-thing." Kyohei complimented which gained a glare from Yuki.

"What Yuki said is also possible to make her remember her past self. She hates Kyohei so much so if he will do something unforgivable to her, say the kiss, she might remember how she hated him and remember the past."

"But I'm not that desperate." He said.

"What are you talking so closely about? Can I join?"

They froze and then slowly turned to face Sunako.

Ranmaru stood and shrugged. "Oh this is nothing interesting for you."

"Oh" she smiled. "Dinner's ready." She walked back to the dining area.

When the others seemed forced to follow her, Kyohei strode back to his room. He has no intention of eating dinner.

"Kyohei!" He stopped when she heard him. It unnerved him, hearing her say his name for the first time. He suddenly felt uneasy when she same in from him and looked at him closely. "Aren't you eating dinner?" You haven't been eating with us for a while. It upsets me. Is something wrong?"

Without sheer sense, he took hold of her arms and leaned his face closer to hers. Her eyes wide open in surprise. Can he really take away this chance of her totally moving on and be normal? Can he do that for the food she prepared before that he loves to eat? That question nagged at him until it was too late. Their lips touched.

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