Chapter 28

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At the Nakahara mansion, the guys are again at the middle of worrying where Sunako is.

"This is your fault Kyohei." Yuki said.

Takenaga nodded. "If you're that jealous of Sunako hanging out with Nekozawa, you should've told her first about it and not going on kissing her in front of him like that."

Ranmaru fiddled his chin. "Well, Kyohei's not really good with words. His an action-man, still it was romance. Words aren't enough for a guy in love. Ow!" He exclaimed at the end when Kyohei threw a pillow at him.

"You know what you just did, Kyohei? You confused her even more." Yuki hugged his knees. "You haven't even confessed your feelings to her and goes on doing that..."

Kyohei scoffed. "Haven't confessed? If what I did before is not confession, then I don't know what was that I did."

The three others was flabbergasted at what he answered. They flocked onto him. "Hey, you guys are heavy! Get off!"

"You confessed to her? When was this?" Ranmaru asked.

"Ah? You guys don't need to know!"

Yuki shook his shoulders. "We need to know!"

"Stop!" Kyohei shouted as he tried to push them off him and then stopped when they heard the front door close.

"It must be her." Takenaga whispered. He stood up and the others followed, lastly was Kyohei.

"Sunako!" Ranmaru waltzed towards her on the hallway. "Where have you been? By the way, we were so worried of you, especially Kyohei-"

"I'm going to my room." She cut him off and stalked off passing him by.

"You should apologize to her." Yuki pushed Kyohei towards her direction. Kyohei just crossed his arms, deciding on what to do as he's being pushed just a few distance behind her. But before they could follow her into her room, she banged the door in his face.

"Hey! Sunako you idiot- Ah!"

Takenaga hit Kyohei upside of the head. "Don't go shouting at her! Are you crazy?"

"He is crazy in love." Ranmaru jested.


Mia with arms crossed and standing in the cold of the terrace, couldn't think straight. She has been standing there for almost an hour, figuring things out. Just then, a warm coat is placed over her shoulders. She turned and saw Kyoya stepped beside her watching her through his eyeglasses. She felt herself blush.

"I thought you already left." She said, looking away.

"I did but I came back here." He then fished something out of his pocket. "I'm going to make this official." He took her hand then and caressed her soft cold fingers. "I won't kneel and ask you to marry me because I know you will, regardless."

"What?" She whispered, air leaving her lungs with the tightening of her chest as he slowly slid the ring into her finger.

"Marry me,okay?" He said seriously.

She chuckled at how being silly he is but the question still hung above her. "Why would you do all this? Is it out of sympathy, to save my family's business?"

He still held her hand, keeping them warm. "Same as you, I don't plan on getting married for that reason, Mia. I haven't even thought of marrying anyone, until you. I'm still not sure if what is this I feel but there's one thing I'm certain of." He tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. "That I will treasure you." His hand rested on her neck and then he leaned forward and kissed her.

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