Chapter 12

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They stayed like that until a few more minutes when the lighting and thunder have stopped. She felt safe in his arms and the thunder never seemed to rock her, but another replaced it after she opened her eyes and realized her position; her head on his chest, arms around his upper torso and her legs bent over his right led as his one hand caressed her hair behind her head, another at the small of her back. Her heart felt like it would burst. She dared to look up and he pulled his hand back and stared down at her. For a second, they were just staring at each other, red tingeing their cheeks. She closed her eyes tightly and pushed him away gently; aware not to be rude.

He is here.

Tamaki breathed deeply and sat on his heels. "How are you feeling, Haruhi?" I didn't know you were scared of lightning and thunder." He managed to say amidst the loud drumming of his chest. He's actually cursing himself for being like that towards her at that moment because he is her father. The feeling of wanting to hold her like that again, nagged at him. I should leave before I do something I don't understand.

Haruhi didn't face him. She sat hugging her knees. She nodded. "I can't remember a time when I wasn't. By the way, why are you here?"

"Uh," he searched his mind for the answer. "I want to give you this." He reached down into his pocket. "I bought that last weekend." He handed it to her and she looked at it. She tried to focus at just the hand that's holding the keychain but she couldn't help but look at his face and their eyes met once more. She quickly looked away after snatching the keychain from his hand. She bit her lip and muttered a thank you.

This is so awkward. I should offer him coffee or something just to distract this tension. Haruhi stood up and he also did the same.

"Where are you going?" She asked suddenly.

"Ah, I'll be going ahead. I've given you the keychain so..." he paused and just looked at her. "I'm sorry for bathing in here without your permission."

She shook her head. "No, no. You don't need to apologise. Actually, I should thank you, Tamaki." She gave him a smile.

He smiled back, relieved. "You're very welcome."

In the rain, Kyohei and the others were searching everywhere in the city for Sunako. She left the mansion after preparing breakfast for them and they thought she'd be back but when they came back from school, night is already coming and she still isn't home. Her room's left open and she's not there either.

Yuki, Takenaga and Ranmaru came back to the mansion after hours of searching.

"I see Kyohei is still looking for her." Takenaga said, sitting down on the couch.

Ranmaru came from his too, drying his red hair with a towel. "What if she's not in the city? She's been gone for probably all day; she could've travelled out of town."

Yuki curled his legs on the sofa. "What if something bad has happened to her? Should we call the police?"

Takenaga turned to him and considered. "Yes, we could but let's wait for Kyohei. He's a bit good at finding her anyways.

Kyohei is still searching, even opening trash cans in the alleys. He's getting irritated as time goes by. To calm himself down, he en to a small cafe that he frequently visits and the old man who owns the place gave him free coffee.

He suddenly sneezed and so he was given a towel as well.

"Thanks." He looked around and there weren't much people.

"Why are you out in the rain, anyway?" The old man asked.

He sneezed again. "I was looking for someone. She ran away from the house. Well, I'm not really sure if she did because most of her important stuffs are still at home."

The old man nodded. "Why would she run away? Did something bad happen?"

He remembered what he did and gritted his teeth. "It's not... that bad. It's my fault actually. I always cause suffering to people around me."

The old man took his towel and whisked it gently to Kyohei's face. "This crazy kid. What are you saying?" He laughed. Just then, a black cat jumped up the counter. The old man offered it milk and cookies.

"It's the first time I saw that cat here."

"Oh yeah, a weird girl brought that in here saying it was also drenched in the rain like her so she carried it with her."

"How do you mean, weird?"

"Well, she looks creepy with her long bangs and black robe-"

"Where did she go? Is she here?" He cut him off as he looked around the cafe.

"No, she has left almost an hour ago with Nekozawa-a regular costumer here. He also attends Ouran. Do you know him?"

"Nekozawa?" Kyohei searched his head. He doesn't know anyone with name at school.

"Nekozawa Umehito?" Takenaga clarifies when Kyohei came home and asked them if they know anyone at Ouran with the name Nekozawa.

Yuki nodded. "We at the host club encountered him more than once. He's really weird; fancies black magic."

"So you're saying that Sunako's with him right now?" Ranmaru asked.

"That's what the old man told me. Do you know where he lives?"

Before anyone could answer, they heard a car pull up in the driveway. They walked towards the window and saw a white limousine parked in front of the mansion

"Is it Auntie?" Yuki's voice was filled with dread. He couldn't imagine what she would do to them if she discovers that Sunako's run away and still hasn't come back.

"No." Takenaga said. "Look."

A young man with shoulder length gold blond hair and wearing an all black- dress robe came out and offered his hand to the one who came out after him, Sunako herself.

They couldn't believe what they're saying. It's like a scene from a historical romance show especially when the two just stared at each other, smiling. Kyohei felt annoyed and headed to the door.

"Is that Nekozawa?" Yuki asked in disbelief.

Takenaga nodded. "Yes, that's him. He usually wears his cape, covering his head and gave so most people don't know what he really looks like."

They gathered at the door and waited for the two to come up.

"Good evening, fellow Ouran HS Students. He placed a hand at Sunako's back pressing her forward towards them. "I have brought Ms Nakahara home."

"Thank you son much, Nekozawa. We were so worried of where she went and have been looking for her the whole night." Takenaga said to him.

"You're welcome. I'll be going then."

"Aren't you going to stay for a while and have some coffee?"

He shook his head. "Ms Nakahara and I already had one at home so I am to decline." He bowed his head towards them and then to Sunako. "Ms Nakahara." He smiled at her before turning around to head back to his car.

The guys watched as the car sped off.

"He's totally different from the one I've encountered." Yuki said.

"Where's Sunako?"

"She rushed to her room." Kyohei said. He was just silently watching the exchange at the front door. He removed himself from leaning on the wall and then with crossed arms, followed her to her room.

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