Chapter 17

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"Wake up, four eyes!"

Kyoya doesn't like to be woken up so whoever this person is who's shaking him wild is going to perish. He opened his eyes and grabbed the person's one arm and gripped it tight. The person stopped shaking him and winced. He smiled but then it faded when he saw that the arm looked feminine and the palm was bleeding.

"Ow, it hurts!"

That voice.

He looked up to confirm. It is her. He let her go and she stepped back.

Where the hell am I?

That was the first question that popped into his mind when he saw his surroundings: a busy commoner's street. He closed his eyes and tried to remember what happened. Tamaki and the twins in his room, disturbing his sleep and then dragging him out of his house, out of a car and then here he is. He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth, giving Tamaki a warning inside his head.

Her voice pulled him away from his thoughts.

"Ootori, you did that on purpose, didn't you?"

"What are you talking about?" He noticed then that aside from her palm, her knees were also scraped and bleeding. "But first, what happened to you?"

She scoffed. "You splayed your foot in the street to trip me."

He looked at her sternly. "I did what?"

She just crossed her arms but then stopped because her bleeding palm brushed her shirt and sent a sudden tinge of pain. She then sighed, as Ootori just stared at her blankly.

There's no use talking to this arrogant person. He's not going to admit it's his fault.

"Well, whatever." She turned around to leave, flinching at every step. A guy came forward then and offered her help. He was standing so close and she saw a malicious smile on his face. No way.

"There's no need. I can take care of myself."

"Are you sure?" He suddenly took  her arm and she shook it off.

"I said-"

The guy took her arm again. "Why are you resisting? I just want to help you."

She glared at him and tried to free herself but his grip tightened. "Let me go." She stressed every word but the guy's unyielding with a smile that says 'come on, don't be so difficult'. She could hit and kick at him if not for the pain on her knees.

"Kanojo." She tensed at the cold sound of that voice. Kyoya yawned before speaking again. "Is this guy bothering you. I've been watching and thought he was your boyfriend but I guess not."

The guy let go of Mia's arm and turned to face him. "I'm not bothering her. I'm just trying to help."

Kyoya then placed a protective arm around her shoulders. "Well, she said she doesn't need your help so leave her alone." The two glared at each other until the guy snorted as he walked away.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked w/out turning to her and was just staring at the guy's back.

She shook her head. "No." She took a step and walked on letting his arm fall off her shoulders.

He suddenly took her arm. "Stay here. I'll be back." He pushed her down to sit on the bench. She didn't have time to react until he was walking across the street towards a convenience store. He came back a few minutes after bringing nothing with him.

She smirked, realising what it is.

"Do you have any cash with you? My wallet's at home, I never forget such an important thing but... long story." He wasn't looking at her the whole time.

She took a single paper bill from her clutch bag and handed it to him, her amused smile not going away.

He came back from the convenience store with a first aid kit for dressing up wounds. She then took his arm as they walked a short distance away to find a clean area with few people. She sat down in a bench while he knelt down in front of her, examining the scrapes on her knees.

"Did I really do this?" He asked as he took the cotton  from the pack.

She rolled her eyes and then bit her lip when he started cleaning the wound. She swallowed. "Yeah, you did."

She looked down and only saw the top of his head, and then she trained her eyes to his arms. She remembered the last time they met, he was still injured then but now it looked like the scars are gone. "Did you get surgery for your arms, to make it look like it never happened?"

"Yes, I did." He answered, not looking up- he's focusing on dressing up her scrapes.

She bit her lip as he dabbed liquid onto her knees. She teared up and covered her face with the one hand that isn't injured. "Hey, are you sure you're doing this correctly? You don't have to do this yourself, you know. Maybe there's a nearby clinic I could go to." She said thoughtfully, thinking he must not be into doing trivial things like this for other people.

He just worked silently and gently. When he was done and covered up her scrapes neatly with a gauge pad, he sat beside her and worked on her hand next. They sat on the bench facing each other. Mia could see through the dark hair that covers his face that he's so intent on what he's doing. She spotted a bead of sweat trailing on the right side of his face and she reached out to wipe it off.

Kyoya flinched at her touch and then looked up at her. "What are you doing?"

She pulled her hand back. "I'm an assistant who wipes your sweat while you're doing surgery, Doctor." She replies and then he went back to what he was doing.

"Whatever." She heard him mutter and then. "Don't do that again."

She shrugged. "I bet it's never good to distract the surgeon while he's at work."

"Who says I'm distracted? I don't get easily distracted, Kanojo." He said without looking up.

She raised an eyebrow. "Oh, so you're the super focused four eyes Ootori." She felt challenged. "Can I see how focused you are?"

He looked up at her and then back to her wounded palm. "Just try."

She felt excited and smiled mischievously. She thought hard about how to start. She blew on his hair. Fail. She bent her body down to look at his face closely for almost a minute. Fail. She moved her hand- the one he's treating.

"Not your hand." He said.


She started talking like her maid; totally annoying with high pitch and exaggeration. Fail.

If talking has no effect and silence as , could something in between... she let the thought lead her. She leaned towards his ear and softly whispered his last name.

Kyoya cringed and leaned away from her. She beamed. "Gotcha!" She exclaimed in celebration not noticing a slight flush of red on his cheeks which he quickly tried to conceal. It was gone in just a few seconds as he recovered.

He was absolutely taken off guard and regretted immediate for letting her do what she wants. He sighed deeply as he watched her laughing in triumph. He placed back her hands in front of him.

"I got you." She repeated and laughed again.

He shrugged her off and continued on. "There." He said finally when finished.

She brought her hand near her face and clench-unclenched it. "Oh, it doesn't hurt that much now. I'm not sure if I should thank you for doing this because it's your fault why I got these wounds in the first place."

"Tch." Kyoya stood up and turned to face her. "I don't need that. Just buy me a new shirt because stained it with your blood." He held out the collar of his shirt. "I can't go home wearing this."

She slowly stood up, considering his condition. "Fine, but it's going to be my pick, okay? Don't complain of whatever I'm going to buy you."

There's a mischievous smile on her lips again and Kyoya heard an alarm inside his head. He shouldn't let her get her way. "I disagree. I choose, you pay." Her smile disappeared. "Let's go." He started walking ahead, his turn to smile in victory.

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