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I made it home in good time. Having my Mother and Father working abroad meant I wasn't worried for the time. They were going to be gone for a good 3 months. They left me a bank card with about £2000 in. It was to be used for food and occasional entertainment only. They also said they'd check the history of what I brought. Of course, that just meant I withdrew the money and spent it. There's still a good £1600. And it's only been a month. I'm sure my parents aren't worried. They call every day or 2 days, and always make sure I'm ok. I walk in, take my shoes and coat off, and walk into my front room. Being the antisocial teenager I am, I have nothing to do, so I switch on the TV. The only thing on my mind was what was on, not what was going on with everyone else. Especially Grey. I didn't realise what had happened. I didn't realise he'd seen. I didn't realise what would happen after. It scares me how quickly things twisted after the confession. How everything messed up within such a short time.

Within a couple of hours it was 6. I don't even remember what I was watching, I just remember glancing down and seeing 18:00 on my phone. Crap, I need to eat something. I just whipped up some easy food (Noodles, such a good thing to eat) and headed back to the living room. I only just noticed my phone was buzzing. Obviously curious, I picked it up, and saw someone was ringing me. I slid right to pick up, and it was Red
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" A voice I didn't recognise screamed down the phone
"Woah! Chill! What's wrong?" I said back. I could tell he was panicking. His breathing was sporadic and uneven. It sounded like he was shaking
"Grey's gone. He's been gone since school ended." Red paused
"Yeah I know! I don't know what to do..."
"When did he... Disappear?"
"When I confessed..."
"Oh.... Shit. I'm going to find him."
"Seriously? Right now? What about your parents?"
"Business trip? Remember?"
"Oh yeah... I'm going too. I'll check the Bats cave"
"Sure, I'll head to the Grill"
"Meet in an hour"
I hung up. I ran straight towards my door, flinging on my coat and pulling my trainers on. Oh shit... Grey. I didn't even think of him! He's so quiet around her as well... Shit shit shit! Grabbing my keys, I usher out of the door, and sprint down my driveway, being careful to keep an eye out. I have no idea where he could've gone. But I'll look. I'll look everywhere. I pulled out my headphones and out one in. I caught a glance at the time. 19:19. The sky was dark already. Gray... What drove you to do this?

For your information, the Bats Cave is a bar that can serve us non-Alcoholic drinks. Most of us head here after school and relax for a couple of hours, just to breathe and escape everything for a while. The grill is a restaurant that specialises in steaks and meat. Less of us go there, as the prices are expensive. I knew that Red would do a thorough search of the place, so I headed straight to the Grill. I shouted his name the whole time, cursing myself for not keeping an eye out for him. I'm such a useless Twat at times. So many thoughts ran through my head at the same time
Was he alive?
Did he have money?
How can I find him?
Am I even still his friends after this?
I shook my head and focused on my one goal: Finding Grey.

It took about 10 minutes to sprint, but I got to the a Grill. I told Red I was there, and stepped in. As usual, the classical music hit me like a punch. It was calming but eccentric at the same time. The waiting room was square, with a little table and chair in case you were bored of standing for 10 seconds. As soon as I walked in, a waitress perked up, asking the same question:
"Welcome to the Grill! How can I serve you?" Her smile was as fake as her cheery voice
"I don't need a seat. I'm looking for someone" I said blandly
"We take a name of everyone here, what is it?" She stared down at the reservation and attendance paper in her hand.
I told her Grey's name. She looked back down
"No, but he could be here. I'll let you in. If you find him tell me. I have to change his name." She flashed another fake smile and ushered me in. Passing the entrance, the tables were visible. Around 90 centimetres long each, they were the dominant. The smell of meat was fresh and tainted the air, entering my nose without asking. A few people were here: Couples and a few families. Nothing new. This place was good for a quiet place to chat. I'd find him here. He'd probably brought a table, or was having a chat with someone around here, just taking some time away from everyone. Casually breathing, taking his time to reconnect with what happened.
I couldn't find him. Shit
I walked back out, thinking. I couldn't find anything. Shit. I don't know here he could've gone. He could be anywhere. ANYWHERE, and I don't know where he is.
"Did you find him?" She asked as I was going towards the door. I searched my pockets and found £15. I threw it in the table
"No, and you didn't hear anyone was missing here" I said as I left
She didn't reply

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